welcome, well come to day 57 of a season of peace, a day of celebrating the astonishing light of our being by leaping into the void of oceanic being trusting in the soul to flow in concert with the magnetic waves of spaciousness, trusting in the waves to bring us home to the one heart to dance in harmony with great mystery gracefully…
for so,so many moons, perhaps you too have felt as i have felt this calling to let go of all save the essential sensing deep in my bones a tidal wave building that would sweep away everything in its path leaving us to take refuge in the tiny space of the heart resting in the deep song and peace of the running wave where we are flanked by and hold paws with our sea otter tribe ensuring we all stay connected and do not drift away from each other during the dark night…
in this deep earth space of an unprecedented chaos cycle enveloping the cosmos, we share the tunnel, the birth canal and living the questions of what’s to come…
“First the animals began dying, going extinct, and we did not stop
what we were doing because we are not animals.
Then the glaciers started melting and we did not stop
what we were doing because we thought we could do without them.
Then the forests were disappearing and we did not stop
cutting down the trees
because we could not imagine being unable to breathe.
Then the virus [of fear] came and there was no one to stop us
but ourselves.” ~ Deena Metzger ~
in this liminal space where existence is at stake, we don’t have the indulgence of lies and pretense, we must ground ourselves in love and face courageously the questions of how to meet the challenges, how to live; we must dig deeply into the roots and listen for their radical (rooted) answers, answers we may not have come up with on our own… yes, we are dying, not one of us will get out of here alive; while we are here, may we use this dark night for the benefit of all and learn how to truly live harmoniously with all our relatives as the dancing stars of luminous light we are…