Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 100– 3/26/2022…

welcome, welcome to day 56 of a season of peace and day 100 of this ninth turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage…

in the midst of all the whirling energies, i am reminded of falling in love with paths and pilgrimages as a child; i loved the annual spring ritual of watching The Wizard of Oz and dancing merrily down the yellow brick road with Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion… march winds and turbulent energy flows are taking me back to the whirlwind that began the journey of awakening for Dorothy, for me, for you…

in the midst of the tornado, everything known and stable is deconstructed to be built anew and so we must start fresh with a child’s vision of wonder and trust as we travel the yellow brick road, the golden path, the SHERO Journey to SELF™ where we re-member, like Dorothy, that we had the power all along, we are the power, we always have the ability to come home, we are always home for, after all, home is where the heart is…


on this pilgrimage home, I AM surrendering more completely…

re-membering we are love and that’s all that there is

living from the heart in thought word and deed

real-eye-sing we are rainbow clouds

flowing into great mystery

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 100 – 3/26/2021

welcome, welcome to day 56 of a season of peace and day 100 of this eighth turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage, a day where on awakening, i re-member as i gaze into the slowly rising sun that i’d wanted to share that yesterday marked seven months ago that i died and came back followed by the miraculous birth of a babe a moon later… this meditation moved into a momentary thought of wishing i’d had a mentor as a young child to talk with me about living on this third rock from the sun… a waterfall of mentoring images rapidly flowed… the rainbow serpent, so many days meandering on the lowgrounds of the powhatan confederacy, the dreams, psalm 23, the robin singing me awake each morning and on and on, each experience wordlessly embedding the knowing that we are never alone. the third rock from the sun is a world of original blessing in a cosmic field of loving presence…

deepen with me now to the tune of the poet laureate, Joy Harjo’s beautyway…

“To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can’t see, can’t hear
Can’t know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren’t always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River.  Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed because we
Were born, and die soon, within a
True circle of motion,
Like eagle rounding out the morning
Inside us.
We pray that it will be done
In beauty.
In beauty.”

let us close the circle with one more song…

Let’s find a Way today,
that can take us to tomorrow.
We’ll follow that Way,
A Way like flowing water.

Let’s leave behind,
the things that do not matter…

…Let’s take the time and try to find,
what real life has to offer…
…Like a friend, true ’til the end,
it will help us onward.

The sun is high, the road is wide,
and it starts where we are standing.
No one knows how far it goes,
for the road is never-ending.

It goes away,
beyond what we have thought of.
It flows away,
Away like flowing water.

~ Benjamin Hoff ~

(The Te of Piglet)

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 100 – 3/25/2020

welcome, welcome to day 56 of a season of peace, day 100 of this seventh turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage and the first night of the celebration of the Hindu festival of Navaratri..


may the spirit of the sea of love energy open our one heart to re-membering our true nature as an ocean, a devocean of overflowing lovingkindness…


   the words above echo through me today as i metaphorically meander with the ocean along the rocky coast of life in this moment to look deeply within reflecting upon the vast seasky that stretches forever and ever and listen to the rhythm of the waves and the comforting voice of grandmother resonating from the deeps below…

“I send love and blessings to all from the spirit world. I am so honored to feel your love and your concern. 

Do not forget to do everything you can to heal the oceans and water of this beautiful planet. Send your healing, loving thoughts to the water daily and get others to do the same. You must hold a vision of the water sparkling clean and full of vibrant life, for as you create this vision it will be done. It will however, take millions of people holding this vision to make the shift.

Do not be dragged down by the current chaos in the world. Humans are gifted and powerful creators. You only need to shift your focus ever so slightly to come into alignment and do good for each other and all creatures on planet earth. It is time to forgive and let go of violence. Make your priority loving the earth, loving and supporting each other, loving and protecting all creatures, and doing everything you can to make life a paradise for all.” 

~ Granny ~

may we come home to our open one heart dan-sing synchronicity in alignment with the cosmic truth of our belonging to each other with all of our actions effecting and influencing creation…