Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 81 – 3/7/2023

mysterious moments

break the heart wide open

to flow in love with source wisdom


welcome, well come to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my very favorite moments of eternity in the cycle of life when we draw down the radiance of the full moon in virgo on this day, the day of miracles as we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

speaking of clouds of pain, a year ago on this day amazingness took a turn that i did not see coming – it seems the explosiveness of the outer world entered the blissness blue moon lodge peace hut as i entered into ceremony and the electrical fireplace insert which i don’t use erupted violently mirroring Mt St Helen’s which is due north shocking me as i found myself in a circle of shattered glass so reminiscent of the shattering of so many systems and all my plans for the day shattered as well as the archetypal energies brought me back to essence and to the absolute necessity of being peace in this moment, in every moment… re-membering that not one of us is free until all of us are free, i am reminded that today as we stand in solidarity with all those suffering on our island earth home, the world honors the 58th  Anniversary of bloody sunday on the historic Selma to Montgomery Freedom March which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States… the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness every day, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost… thousand fold thanks for walking the freedom path and making justice visible…

ten turns around the sun ago on this special day, this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being, the rainbow moon of the in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of pure light

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


oh great spirit of our
ancestors, we raise
our pipe to you…
to your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children…
give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind…
learning to share all good things that
you provide for us on this singing bowl of earth…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 81– 3/7/2022

mysterious moments

break the heart wide open

to flow in love with source wisdom


welcome, well come to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

speaking of clouds of pain, today’s amazingness took a turn that i did not see coming – it seems the explosiveness of the outer world entered the blissness blue moon lodge peace hut as i entered into ceremony and the electrical fireplace insert which i don’t use erupted violently mirroring Mt St Helen’s which is due north shocking me as i found myself in a circle of shattered glass so reminiscent of the shattering of so many systems and all my plans for the day shattered as well as the archetypal energies brought me back to essence and to the absolute necesity of being peace in this moment, in every moment… many moments later re-membering that not one of us is free until all of us are free, i am reminded that today as we stand in solidarity with all those suffering on our island earth home, the world honors the 57th  Anniversary of bloody sunday on the historic Selma to Montgomery Freedom March which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States… the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness every day, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost… thousandfold thanks for walking the freedom path and making justice visible…

nine turns around the sun ago on this special day, this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being, the rainbow moon of the in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of pure light

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


oh great spirit of our
ancestors, we raise
our pipe to you…
to your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children…
give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind…
learning to share all good things that
you provide for us on this singing bowl of earth…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 81 – 3/7/2021

magical moments

break the heart wide open

to flow in love with source wisdom


welcome, well come to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

speaking of clouds of pain and re-membering that not one of us is free until all of us are free, today the world honors the 56th  Anniversary of bloody sunday on the historic Selma to Montgomery Freedom March which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States… the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness every day, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost… thousandfold thanks for walking the freedom path and making justice visible…

eight turns around the sun ago on this special day, this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being, the rainbow moon of the in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of delight

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 81 – 3/6/2020

welcome, welcome to day 37 of a season of peace, a day on the pilgrimage like all others of  living the quest ion of what drumbeat are we dancing? what heartbeat are we musing?, i give you, my co-heart pilgrims, poets on a journey, Rilke’s plea from Letters to a Young Poet to be patience, to live patiently with everything, loving all that is yet unresolved, for it is in the loving that sacred balance organically rises…

a quest ion that i have been living since i was a teenager and lives inside me so strongly over the last few moons building to the force of a tidal wave energetically was and is inspired by another of my favorite poets…

to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~ e e cummings ~

tho, i’d edit the words of fight and battle, it is such a challenge in this sped-up world impelling us to be human doings rather than to be our true nature… light beings of divine love embodied through our one cosmic heart in an intricate web of interconnection…

thousandfold thanks, dear rilke, dear life, as i heed your sage words to have patience and love the quest ions…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 81 – 3/7/2019

Named Magical March 7 Rainbow Woman

welcome, welcome to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

six turns around the sun ago on this special day, the rainbow moon of theses in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of delight

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


Native American Prayer for Peace

Oh Great Spirit of our
Ancestors, I raise
my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children.
Give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind
Let us learn to share all good things that
you provide for us on this Earth.

The Prayer of Saint Frances

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . .hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
where there is sadness . . .joy
O Divine Master,
grant that i may not so much seek
To be consoled . . .as to console
To be understood . . .as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . .that we receive…

shanti, shanti, shantihi…