Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 80 – 3/6/2023

welcome, welcome to day 36 of a season of peace, a day on the pilgrimage like all others of  living the quest ion of what drumbeat are we dancing? what heartbeat are we musing? how are we called to serve? how to be this one wild and precious life? i give you, my co-heart pilgrims, poets on a journey, Rilke’s plea from “Letters to a Young Poet” to be patience, to live patiently with everything, loving all that is yet unresolved, for it is in the loving that sacred balance organically rises…

a quest ion that i have been living since i was a teenager and that i injoyed so much deep conversation and living with today and lives inside me so strongly over the last few moons building to the force of a tidal wave energetically was and is inspired by another of my favorite poets…

“to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” ~ e e cummings ~

for myself, i’d edit out the words of fight and battle, it is so resonant a challenge in this sped-up world impelling us to be human doings rather than to be our true nature as light beings of divine love embodied through our one cosmic heart in an intricate web of interconnection, a challenge inviting us into more and more profound levels of soulfulness…

thousand fold thanks, dear rilke, dear life, dear co-hearts as i heed your sage words to have patience and love the quest ions sans attachment to how the mystery unfolds, living ah so, open as a wanderer of wonder…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 80 – 3/6/2022

welcome, well come to the 36th day of a season of peace,,. let’s take this moment of eternity to breathe deeply through our one heart and drop down into our wisdom space in the core of our being to listen to an old hasidic tale of our soul’s conception and journey to birth supported by the angel (messenger), lailah…

it all begins in the roots of the tree of life where the soul is seeded and then moves to the branches of the tree to ripen… when the soul falls to the ground, the angel lailah, serving as a midwife of souls, puts the sacred soul in the mother’s womb… while the infant grows in the womb, lailah places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn infant, so he or she or they can see from one end of the world to the other and lailah teaches the soul in utero her/his/their soul’s herstory…

when the time comes for the baby to be born, the angel extinguishes the light in the womb and brings forth the child into the world… in the instant the child emerges, the angel lightly strikes her finger to the child’s lips as if to say “shh,” which causes the child to forget everything learned in the womb and reminds us to listen to the deep self within, the soul, that always re-members…

may we all re-member our soul song and that “shhh” is to silence us so we can listen for el canto hondo, the deep self song of the soul that whispers to us of our true nature, who we are and what is ours to gift the world…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 80 – 3/6/2021

for lailah

welcome, well come to the 36 th day of a season of peace,,. as the moon wanes and the temperature drops, let’s all get cozy and listen to an old hasidic tale of our soul’s conception and journey to birth supported by the angel (messenger) lailah…

it all begins in the roots of the tree of life where the soul is seeded and moves to the branches to ripen… when the soul falls to the ground, the angel lailah puts it in the mother’s womb serving as a midwife of souls… while the infant grows in the womb, lailah places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn infant, so he or she can see from one end of the world to the other and she teaches the unborn child the history of his or her soul…

when the time comes for the baby to be born, the angel extinguishes the light in the womb and brings forth the child into the world… in the instant the child emerges, the angel lightly strikes her finger to the child’s lips as if to say “shh,” which causes the child to forget everything learned in the womb and reminds us to listen to the deep self within, the soul, that always re-members…

may we all re-member our soul song and that “shhh” is to silence us so we can listen for el canto hondo, the deep self song…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 80 – 3/6/2019

Named Magical March 6 moon new in pisces with total soular eclipse

welcome, welcome to day 36 of a season of peace… today is one of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy… poised here in the portal of the pisces new moon, may we all leap as one, letting go to flow with oceanic imagination in the field of rainbow mystery where only love is real and everything is possible…

this rainbow moon is a bridge between the current astrological turn around the sun and the new one when we move into aires on equinox so one part of us  lets go and releases while another part of us welcomes the spark of new life and possibility… death and birth, expansion and contraction, breathing in and out, the eternal cycle of life…

another holy synchronisiddhi of today is uranus moving into taurus for seven years and opening a portal of transformation that will truly blow our minds and anchor love on earth awakening the dreams held deep within us personally and collectively…

the great turning is upon and within us supporting us to let go of fear and anchor in truth, wisdom and love as we swim in these mystical waters of remembrance together…