Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 76 – 3/2/2023



welcome, well come to day 32 of a season of peace and the 2nd day of women’s herstory month in a moonth i’m naming metamorphing sensing such big changes are afoot and how appropriate as we shine a spotlight on the we’moon magicians who inspire changes in consciousness as they and we create, co-create the even more beautiful world, the ecological civilization…

i had intended on beginning with one of my favorite change agents – Harriette Tubman and then it was going to be Billie Holliday until i real-eyesed it is the seventh anniversary of Berta’s murder and knew she’d be leading the way…

co-founding the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) created to defend the Lenca community – one of Honduras’ largest indigenous groups – against corporate takeover of their land and natural resources, and to protect their culture and the environment, Cáceres was tireless in her efforts for her land and community… since their founding in 1993, COPINH has stopped nearly 50 logging and deforestation projects, plans for 10 hydroelectric dams and with other indigenous organizations successfully lobbied the Honduran government to ratify ILO Convention 169 on the Rights of Indigenous People, and also succeeded in gaining funding from the government for health centers and schools in Lenca communities…

today, as we mark 7 years since Berta’s assassination, we honor and remember her and her extraordinary life and legacy… Berta was someone who refused to be silent, who refused to cede or go into exile despite the violence she was up against… clear about the causes of the injustices of the world, she did not hesitate to name those responsible… her ability to explain and relate complex global phenomena to everyday realities made her an exceptional leader; the dignity with which she treated every person she met made her a phenomenal organizer who made the connections between struggles seem obvious and imparted wisdom as she energized those who listened…

Berta Cáceres, Presente! and Muchas Gracias!!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 76 – 3/2/2022

deep dark moon mystery

dances with infinite luminosity

in spacious emptiness


welcome, well come to this day of a new moon in pisces which whispers to us of how to be the cosmic one by opening your whole self and leaping into the unknown to float with great mystery in the imaginal zone for the iconic pilgrimage of forty days in the desert where i, for one, will dwell in the peace hut in the center of the peace wheel being peace with every breath… breathing in, i merge with peace; breathing out, we are peace…

and, yes, carl, living in a spaciousness of solitude, silence, in deed, comes alive in such mysterious ways as i reflect  on this sojourn in the quantum field of deep dark mystery where i saunter along a path unknown, a dancing with infinite luminosity pausing,resting, suspending in the gap, in the sacred space of silence, the stillpoint…

in this field beyond words, beloved appears to breathe us alive, inspiring we hollow reeds to open to being conduits of divine flow responsive to taking one more step, encouraging our sitting tenderly in the moment with our feelings, our ancestral feelings, our descendants’ feelings all merging in the one cosmic devocean of now…

in this solitude, in this divine alchemical flowing temple, the daft (divine alchemical flow team) transmute our shadowlands into gardens of grace… watered by our tears, we blossom like flow-ers opening to the light and revealing the sparkling jewel, the polished star pearl of the sea, radiantly resting in the center of the bloom…

here in the deep void of great silence, in the dancing stillness of great mystery, we stand at the portal of a brave new world where we’re called to courageously let go the old and break our one heart wide open to expansive, creative  space for birthing the new… do we have it in us? of course we do, in this knowing we can all relax into enjoying this ride on the wild side to the other shore of a peace passing all understanding and to the house of belonging for evermore…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 76 – 3/2/2021



welcome, well come to day 32 of a season of peace and the 2nd day of women’s herstory month in a moonth i’m naming magi- cal with emphasis intended on the magi, the wise, syllables of magical as we shine a spotlight on the women magicians who inspire changes in consciousness as they create, co-create the even more beautiful world, the ecological civilization…

i had intended on beginning with one of my favorite magicians – Harriette Tubman and then it was going to be Billie Holliday until i real-eyesed it was the fifth anniversary of Berta’s murder and knew she’d be leading the way…

co-founding the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) created to defend the Lenca community – one of Honduras’ largest indigenous groups – against corporate takeover of their land and natural resources, and to protect their culture and the environment, Cáceres was tireless in her efforts for her land and community… since their founding in 1993, COPINH has stopped nearly 50 logging and deforestation projects, plans for 10 hydroelectric dams and with other indigenous organizations successfully lobbied the Honduran government to ratify ILO Convention 169 on the Rights of Indigenous People, and also succeeded in gaining funding from the government for health centers and schools in Lenca communities…

today, as we mark 5 years since Berta’s assassination, we honor and remember her and her extraordinary life and legacy… Berta was someone who refused to be silent, who refused to cede or go into exile despite the violence she was up against… clear about the causes of the injustices of the world, she did not hesitate to name those responsible… her ability to explain and relate complex global phenomena to everyday realities made her an exceptional leader; the dignity with which she treated every person she met made her a phenomenal organizer who made the connections between struggles seem obvious and imparted wisdom as she energized those who listened…

Berta Cáceres, Presente! and Muchas Gracias!!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 76 – 3/1/2020

welcome, welcome to day 32 of a season of peace on this first day of the new moon (month) of musing march and its treasure trove of riches as we are still celebrating the miracles buddha bestows at tibetan new year and it is the day of sharing an image of the astonishing light of being… 


The Light of Smiles

I will light the match of smiles. My gloom veil will disappear. I shall behold my soul in the light of smiles hidden behind the accumulated darkness of ages. When I find myself, I shall race through all hearts with the torch of my soul-smiles. My heart will smile first, then my eyes, then my face. Every body part will shine in the light of smiles.

I will run amid the thickets of melancholy hearts and make a bonfire of all sorrows. I am the irresistible fire of smiles. I will fan myself with the breeze of God-joy and blaze my way through the darkness of all minds. My smiles will convey His smiles and whoever meets me will catch a whiff of my divine joy. I will carry fragrant, purifying torches of smiles for all hearts.

from Metaphysical Meditations
by Paramahansa Yogananda


yes, may we all travel in an awakened way with hearts wide open and filled with lovingkindness… may we be well and peaceful and at ease and free…

om shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 76 – 3/2/2019

Named Magical March 2 miracles

welcome, welcome to day 32 of a season of peace… are you feeling the frequency of magic as we move into march under a waxing moon of insiraction? as we all presence ourselves in this magical moon of divine flow listening to the whispers of the river we are, i find myself on re-treat in the miracle zone where we follow Einstein’s suggestion to notice everything as a miracle beginning with yourself and let this perception, like a stone thrown into a pond, ripple out and out and out… deepening in our trust of source breathing through us ever ready to grace the space in between as we surrender, as we die to the old and are reborn to the new… love sharing the milagro field with you…

may our hearts burst open in unconditional love

may our minds be illumined by a peace passing all understanding

may our bodies be flooded with central sun’s light

may our spirits soar with radiant presence
