Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 61 – 2/15/2023

welcome, welcome to day 17 of a season of peace, our day to celebrate Galentine’s (yes, i know this is celebrated the day before Valentine’s and here it is the day after, but, re-member i journey at the speed of a 300 year old turtle) as we travel the path with heart and another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the energy of rapture still present today…

i choose to be kind, gentle and patient with myself so i can be this and offer it to others…

i choose to be compassionate with myself so i deepen and expand being this way…

i choose to love beginning with myself and rippling out to all relatives…

please join me in this movement of our choosing this path with heart which sets us free to be one sea of love energy…yes, LALAs, love ambassadors, light ambassadors, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field of the great beyond we real-eyes we belong to each other, that tthis moment, this day we choose love letting it begin with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow)…

the truth is: you are more wonderfilled than you can imagine and it is nothing short of a miracle that you were born at this time on this planet to do your work no matter what it is… we have lived long enough thinking ‘not enough’ is a way of being… today this thinking ends as we commit to love the sometimes fragile and broken and sometimes confused and still glorious SELF that we are where we reinvent in this moment a story about who we are that you would love to tell and live… this is an invitation to unleash your own personal legend transforming the critic into the almighty muse…

thank you for joining in the global community of imaginal cells sharing the medicine of  love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 61 – 2/15/2022

welcome, welcome to day 17 of a season of peace, our day to celebrate as we travel the path with heart and another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the energy of rapture still present today…

i choose to be kind, gentle and patient with myself so i can be this and offer it to others…

i choose to be compassionate with myself so i deepen and expand being this way…

i choose to love beginning with myself and rippling out to all relatives…

please join me in this movement of our choosing this path with heart which sets us free to be one sea of love energy…yes, LALAs, love ambassadors, light ambassadors, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field of the great beyond we real-eyes we belong to each other,that tthis moment, this day we choose love letting it begin with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow)…

the truth is: you are more wonderfilled than you can imagine and it is nothing short of a miracle that you were born at this time on this planet to do your work no matter what it is… we have lived long enough thinking ‘not enough’ is a way of being… today, on the cusp of the full moon in creative leo. this thinking ends as we commit to love the sometimes fragile and broken and sometimes confused and still glorious SELF that we are where we reinvent in this moment a story about who we are that you would love to tell and live… this is an invitation to unleash your own personal legend transforming the critic into the almighty muse…

thank you for joining in the global community of imaginal cells sharing the medicine of  love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 61 – 2/15/2021

welcome, well come to day 17 of a season of peace, our day to simply be, to simply be love as we travel the path with heart… another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of  rapture always bubbling in the river below the river in the depths of our being…

yes, ambassadors of love, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field beyond words it is simply the frequency we vibrate as a vast wave rolling through the cosmos… it’s also the pearl of the practice of the poetic peace pilgrimage which we are sauntering together, walking to the wholly land, making the archetypal shero journey to self...

here’s an old sherpa’s map, a guide for being love and coming home to the heart…

Smile (Start My Internal Love Engine) with every breath, with every step, in every moment, recommit to love…

Honor the flame within the center of your being by breathing in through our one heart fanning the flame with loops of thank you, thank you, thank you…

Embrace all that comes as hospitable host, befriend and embrace everything, all our relations…

Reverence and stand for truth wholeheartedly welcoming wounds and the wounded – the treasure chest of wisdom…

Open in ever widening spirals to all that is with a courage, a heart broken wide open for light to stream in…

Journey To

Spread for giveness from the stillpoint, love, peace and joy are here in this moment…

Emanate grace, the harmony of the cosmic wave re-membering everything is grace…

Love liberally, love liberates us all…

Flow as a cosmic wave rippling through the cosmos…

Happy Trails! on the path of lovingkindness… always wandering in wonder, always being love…

may we be filled with lovingkindness and widen the circle of compassion including all our relatives…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 61 – 2/15/2020

come home to the heart, the ocean of being…






welcome, welcome to day 17 of a season of peace, another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining through the clouds on the energy of  rapture/rupture…

perhaps it’s that today is the ides of this moon that draws my attention to the chaos/cosm of the outer world and my intention to be peace and healing in these pivotal times… yesterday, the second year anniversary of the Parkland massacre, today’s year anniversary of a declaration of a state of emergency in the USA and today many of us meditating together for the loss of lives in China and across the planet and on and on… as we hear through the ethers of so much chaos abounding across the planet calling us to listen deeply, to bear witness intimately being ever so patient with what’s riotously germinating in the core, what’s emerging out of the collective, i turn to a poet, another pilgrim on the journey who so beautifully amplifies the message of coming home to the heart and waiting for right action to organically arise out of  patiently bearing witness…


Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.

– Rainer Maria Rilke –


Letters To A Young Poetby Rainer Maria Rilke is an extraordinary book of ten letters written to a young man of nineteen years about to enter the German military named Franz Kappus who wrote Rilke looking for guidance and a critique of some of his poems. Rilke was himself only 27 when the first letter was written. The resulting five year correspondence is a virtual owner’s manual on what it is to be an artist and a person. Since we are all poets, pilgrims on a journey, it seems poetic justice to share the wisdom here and now for us to apply to the metaphor of our own lives…


“You ask whether your verses are any good… You have asked others before this. You send them to magazines. You compare them with other poems, and you are upset when certain editors reject your work. Now (since you have said you want my advice) I beg you to stop doing that sort of thing. You are looking outside, and that is what you should most avoid right now. No one can advise or help you – no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must”, then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse. Then come close to Nature. Then, as if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose.”


may we all be peace, love, joy, harmony and patience aligned with source in co-creating the beautyfull cosmos…