Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 59 – 2/13/2023

welcome, welcome to day 15 of a season of peace which auspiciously coincides with this being a moment of celebrating the astonishing light of your being on this day celebrated for the last sixteen years as Self Love Day when we re-member to put on our oxygen masks first by breathing through our central channel deeply into the belly and the earth below and the vast skysea above and finally, we injoy another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, the essence of love as ambassadors of love and light…

another day on the pilgrimage of love where we are given the opportunity to live this day as a day with a simple way to be… as easy as breathing one two three… breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love… seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling the unitive field, the ocean of consciousness, the sea of love energy, cosmic oneness with the only energy there is – particles of radiant love forming one vast wave of light, the first emanation to pour forth from the great silence and travel, as do we, as a rolling wave of loving light energy… sometimes as a whirling dervish transforming everything in the path, other times as a stationary lighthouse commanding stillness, always a wave of light flowing love through the cosmos, always a wave of love flowing light through the cosmos, seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling particles of love into the one radiant wave of light…


“…help me to live this day quietly, peacefully. To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely. To meet others peacefully, joyously…”

~St Francis~


love love love love love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 59 – 2/13/2022

welcome, welcome to day 15 of a season of peace which auspiciously coincides with this being a moment of celebrating the astonishing light of your being on this day celebrated for the last fifteen years as Self Love Day when we re-member to put on our oxygen masks first by breathing through our central channel deeply into the belly and the earth below and the vast skysea above and finally, we injoy another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, the essence of love as ambassadors of love and light on this rapturous day of delight…

another day on the pilgrimage of love where we are given the opportunity to live this day as a day with a simple way to be… as easy as breathing one two three… breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love… seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling the unitive field, the ocean of consciousness, the sea of love energy, cosmic oneness with the only energy there is – particles of radiant love forming one vast wave of light, the first emanation to pour forth from the great silence and travel, as do we, as a rolling wave of loving light energy… sometimes as a whirling dervish transforming everything in the path, other times as a stationary lighthouse commanding stillness, always a wave of light flowing love through the cosmos, always a wave of love flowing light through the cosmos, seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling particles of love into the one radiant wave of light…


“…help me to live this day quietly, peacefully. To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely. To meet others peacefully, joyously…”

~St Francis~


love love love love love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 59 – 2/13/2021

welcome, welcome to day 15 of a season of peace, our day to celebrate self love as we travel the path with heart and another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with snow continuing to fall creating a winter wonderland on the energy of  rapture present today…

i choose to be kind, gentle and patient with myself so i can be this and offer it to others…

i choose to be compassionate with myself so i i deepen and expand being this way…

i choose to love beginning with myself and rippling out to all relatives…

please join me in this movement of our choosing this path with heart setting us free to be one sea of love energy…yes, LALAs, love ambassadors, light ambassadors, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field of the great beyond we real-eyes we belong to each other,that tthis moment, this day we choose love letting it begin with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow)…

the truth is: you are more wonderful than you can imagine and it is nothing short of a miracle that you were born at this time on this planet to do your work no matter what it is… we have lived long enough thinking ‘not enough’ is a way of being… today that ends as we commit to love the sometimes fragile and broken and sometimes confused and still glorious self that we are where we reinvent in this moment a story about who we are that you would love to tell and live… this is an invitation to unleash your own personal legend transforming the critic into the almighty muse…

thank you for joining in this global community sharing the medicine of  love

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 59 – 2/13/2020

welcome, welcome to day 15 of a season of peace, our day to celebrate self love as we travel the path with heart… another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining through the clouds on the energy of  rapture a day…

i choose to be kind, gentle and patient with myself

i choose self-compassion

i choose self-love

please join me in this movement of our choosing this path with heart setting us free to be one sea of love energy…yes, LALAs, love ambassadors, light ambassadors, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field of the great beyond we real-eyes we belong to each other,that tthis moment, this day we choose love letting it begin with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow)…

in honor of self love day…


“You are SO Much More Than Enough”

by Shiloh Sophia McCloud

You Are So Much More Than Enough

You think you are not enough

and so that means what you do

is never enough. I think the story

“I am not enough” is a lie.

I am wondering

why we, intelligent, lovely, brave

souls that we are,

would go on believing a lie?

So today is a day for miracles

for shedding old stories

and I am wondering

who is ready to shed that one?

Ready. Set. Let’s Go.

And when you are done with that

you can join us in inventing a new story.

One where you choose yourself

right now right where you are

regardless of your circumstances.

One where we choose to tell the truth

about ourselves to ourselves

and to others.


The truth is: you are more wonderful than you can imagine and it is nothing short of a miracle that you were even born at this time on this planet to do your work no matter what that is. We have lived long enough thinking ‘not enough’ is a way of being. It’s not. Today that ends. A way of being is to love the sometimes fragile and broken and sometimes confused and still glorious self that you are. A way of being is to reinvent, with us, in this moment a story about who you are that you would love to tell and live. This is an invitation to unleash your own personal legend. To transform the critic into the almighty muse…

thank you for joining in this global community sharing the medicine of  love…