Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 58 – 2/12/2023

“A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished.”

~ Desmond Tutu ~

as we deepen into decolonizing this moon of bringing to light black history in this moment of celebrating the astonishing light of our interbeeing on this 14th day of a season of peace, i share some beautiful words from Archbishop Tutu’s granddaughter, Mungi Ngomane :

“Ubuntu is a way of life from which we can all learn. . . . Originating from a Southern African philosophy, it encompasses all our aspirations about how to live life well, together. We feel it when we connect with other people and share a sense of humanity; when we listen deeply and experience an emotional bond; when we treat ourselves and other people with the dignity they deserve. . . .

I was raised in a community that taught me ubuntu as one of my earliest lessons. My grandfather, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, explained the essence of ubuntu as, ‘My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours.’

In my family, we were brought up to understand that a person who has ubuntu is one whose life is worth emulating. The bedrock of the philosophy is respect, for yourself and for others. So if you’re able to see other people, even strangers, as fully human you will never be able to treat them as disposable or without worth. . . .Ubuntu teaches us to also look outside ourselves to find answers. It’s about seeing the bigger picture; the other side of the story. 

Ubuntu is about reaching out to our fellow men and women, through whom we might just find the comfort, contentment and sense of belonging we crave. Ubuntu tells us that individuals are nothing without other human beings. It encompasses everyone, regardless of race, creed or color. It embraces our differences and celebrates them.”

may we all live ubuntu and be walking invitations of ubuntu… I AM because WE ARE… and, may we affirm our dedication to cosmic stewardship of a world of peace built on justice for all guided by unconditional love for all our relations real-eye-sing there’s only one of us here and we depend on each other to interbee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 58 – 2/12/2022

what an enlightening day this 14th day of a season of peace is and filled with so many synchronisiddhis beginning this morning with being in a circle including Gandhi’s granddaughter discussing quantum physics of the wave mechanics variety with its emphasis on complementarity and underlying process echoing all the ancient wisdom traditions and then moving on to a joint celebration of Darwin and Lincoln and Frederick Douglass who share today as a birthday though there is controversy around Douglass’s birth date… with Darwin coming from a family that for generations had worked for abolition and Douglass, one of our foremost abolition advocates who persisted with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation, there are things to sing about in the midst of all the stormy seas…

underlying the call to action today, is this pivotal moment where once again we find ourselves at the brink and looking through the lens of many disciplines for a way to hold the tensions and not act from the unworkable dominance culture consciousness that brings us to the brink of the possibility of another mass extinction… what a joy to be with scholars and others who have really read Darwin and quote him accurately – he was not about survival of the fittest and selfish genes; he was about cooperation and collaboration and love and mutual aid and so just as his theories provided a middle way during the earlier Cold War, his ideas of culture and evolution being about partnerism provide wise guidance for today… yes, let us bring back his focus, wisdom tradtions’ focus, chaos theory’s focus and not relive the robber barons of the gilded age’s false narrative of “Social Darwinism” with its empfasis on dominance and agression which was the opposite of Darwin‘s theory of oneness…

in this moment of eternity of great turning, let us re-member who we really are – living beings, relatives who have lived in peace and harmony for the mutual aid of all for long periods throughout our time here…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 58 – 2/12/2021

Losar Tashi Delek! Happy Tibetan New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

may we all have an oxpicious turn around the sun in this year calling for endurance, anchoring in ourselves, our deep selves, our soul songs and concretizing these soul songs, our dreams into the world of harmony we can hear breathing when we let go of the outer static and tune into the anima mundi frequency…

in 1409, the great Lama Jey Tsong Khapa (1357–1419) convened a major celebration in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, for the first two weeks of the Tibetan Lunar New Year called the Great Miracle Prayer Festival referring to the two weeks of miracles and teachings said to have been performed by Shakyamuni Buddha, 2,000 years earlier in the city of Shravasti, India…

as the story goes, after years of being persecuted by rival teachers who repeatedly challenged him to contests of miracles, the Buddha finally accepted the challenge and proceeded to create a vision of a beautiful universe, consisting of jeweled trees, lotus ponds, and rainbows. The Buddha went on to teach the entire assembly about the nature of reality, that evil and ignorance were temporary aberrations, and that the power of goodness and wisdom was infinitely greater in the long run… and so it is… blessed be…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 58 – 2/12/2020

welcome, welcome to day 14 of a season of peace, our day to simply be, to simply be love as we travel the path with heart… another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the sun still shining through the clouds on the energy of  rebirth and  riotous revolution germinating deep in the earth…

yes, ambassadors of love, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field beyond words is simply the frequency we vibrate in the vast wave rolling through the cosmos… it’s also the pearl of the practice of the poetic peace pilgrimage which we are sauntering together, walking to the wholly land, making the archetypal shero journey to self...

here’s an old sherpa’s map, a guide for being love and coming home to the heart…

Smile (Start My Internal Love Engine) with every breath, with every step, in every moment, recommit to love…

Honor the flame within the center of your being by breathing in through our one heart fanning the flame with loops of thank you, thank you, thank you…

Embrace Joy and all that comes as hospitable host, befriend and embrace everything, all our relations…

Reverence and stand for truth wholeheartedly welcoming wounds and the wounded – the treasure chest of wisdom…

Open in ever widening spirals to all that is with a courage, a heart broken wide open for light to stream in…

Journey To

Spread for giveness from the stillpoint, love, peace and joy are here in this moment

Emanate grace, the harmony of the cosmic wave re-membering everything is grace

Love liberally, love liberates us all

Flow as cosmic wave rippling through the cosmos

Happy Trails! on the path of lovingkindness… always wandering in wonder, always being love…

may we be filled with lovingkindness and widen the circle of compassion including all our relatives…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 58 – 2/12/2019

Named Free Flow 12 Love Be the

welcome, welcome to day 14 of a season of peace, the eighth day of the tibetan fifteen days of miracles, our day to simply be, to simply be love as we travel the path with heart… another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun still shining through the clouds on the energy of  rebirth and  riotous revolution germinating deep in the earth…

yes, ambassadors of love, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field beyond words is simply the frequency we vibrate in the vast wave rolling through the cosmos… it’s also the pearl of the practice of the poetic peace pilgrimage which we are sauntering together, walking to the wholly land, making the archetypal shero journey to self...

here’s an old sherpa’s map, a guide for being love and coming home to the heart…

Smile (Start My Internal Love Engine) with every breath, with every step, in every moment, recommit to love…

Honor the flame within the center of your being by breathing in through our one heart fanning the flame with loops of thank you, thank you, thank you…

Embrace Joy and all that comes as hospitable host, befriend and embrace everything, all our relations…

Reverence and stand for truth wholeheartedly welcoming wounds and the wounded – the treasure chest of wisdom…

Open in ever widening spirals to all that is with a courage, a heart broken wide open for light to stream in…

Journey To

Spread for giveness from the stillpoint, love, peace and joy are here in this moment

Emanate grace, the harmony of the cosmic wave re-membering everything is grace

Love liberally, love liberates us all

Flow as cosmic wave rippling through the cosmos

Happy Trails! on the path of lovingkindness… always wandering in wonder, always being love…

may we be filled with lovingkindness…