Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 333 – 11/14/2015

Named Namaste November 14 Light Paris-Eiffel-Tower

In Honor of the City of Light

city of light, siddhi of light

in this dark moment, may we live your birthright

to rise like a tower transcending this dark night

realizing, re-membering there’s only the light

reacting to violence with violence ensures more of the same

in this moment, we can re-author the rules of the game

and come from love, knowing we are one and the same…

waves of light in an ocean of love

clouds of peace in the sky up above

one body, one mind, one heart of love

spirit of peace, now, descend from above

dusting the cosmos with a blanket of love


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 288 – 9/30/2015

Named Serene September 30 Rumi Silent Pull of LoveHappy Birthday Rumi!

Happy Birthday Courageous New World of Boundless Love!!

how perfect it is for Rumi’s 808th birthday to vibrate at 11, master number. karmic number, alchemical number of vesica piscis – 2 circles coming together to form a third form, an eye, our third eye – the image of reflection, the mirroring of light with light also vibrating at 11…

yes, dear ancestor Rumi, yes, dear brother in ecstasy, thousandfold thanks for always pointing the way of the sufi, a way as true today as in your day…

Sufism…, a mystical path for any who would be guided by it to the unfolding of the Soul, and yet it is beyond all these things. It is the Light of Life, which is the sustenance of Every Soul.
~The teachings of Rumi~

how exquisitely beautiful for Rumi’s birthday to come at the confluence of tidal waves of light shifting us into divine consciousness where we are anchored in the light of what we truly love… what better closing for our beloved ancestor whose life is living poetry than his epitaph…

When we are dead,
seek not our tomb in the earth,
but find it in the hearts of men.

thousandfold thanks, beloved Rumi, for living in and lighting our one heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 206 – July 10, 2014

Blue Star New World Germinating

deep within our bloodstream

listen for the unremembered chords

of a wider consciousness

where we all swim in an ocean of love


listen for the unremembered chords

coursing through the River Beloved

where we all swim in an ocean of love

re-membering paradise in the watery womb


coursing through the River Beloved

awakening to dreams of a new world breathing

re-membering paradise in the watery womb

reaching out as one and seeing her germinate


awakening to dreams of a new world breathing

where peace, love and bliss live in each moment

re-membering paradise in the watery womb

what dreams are you living as the new world today?


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 190 – June 24, 2014

Named Dream Cave in Algarve, Portugal

May every moment of this journey unfold in harmony


breathing in the rhythm of the waves

in our home in the sea

gathering place for nomads of the heart

awakening to the illumination we be


diving deeper and deeper

into great mystery

trusting in surrender

coming home to the land of the free


rising up to sing and dance

at the stillpoint of creativity

plugging into the source of light

attuning into love frequency


following a path of intention

dancing our radiance

constellates inner wisdom

living in harmony with abundance


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 57 – February 11, 2014

Named Whalewatching 2009 named BreathingToday, as this part of the world melts from the deep freeze and moves from emergency, i feel  the longing for the ocean and a calling to be cradled by Beloved Grandmother to…

Named Emerge N Sea Beach Nags HeadThe journey flows so more rhythmically when i begin with tuning into the cosmic hum and listening to the lilting melody sounding that we are one. With every sound, word and step, i plant the seeds of soul, of heart consciousness as i walk the poetic peace pilgrimage. Love for you to share this journey and to…

Named Rumi Tollavana Poetry 042



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 29 – January 14, 2014

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Celebrating birth

today on the deep blue sea

 journey into love…

Every breath today is celebration, this 29th day of pilgrimage honors the birth of my daughter and all that is for she and the all that is gives birth to me in every moment. Dancing with the sun carries me into the stillpoint of creation to dream and listen…

Named Eagle Cloud

Yes, I Am, Are You?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks