Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 11 – 12/27/2022

we are earth, we are spirit… listening and offering to always act in the interest of the children of all beings of the earth…

tonight is the moment to share our second night’s dream from last night and to honor Kwanzaa’s 2nd day value of self-determination which seems the moment to bring these words to bear… a record 6,036 US children have been killed, injured by gunfire in 2022; that is, as of today 306 children under age 12 were killed by guns and another 668 were injured nationwide and for those ages 12-17, 1,328 were killed and 3,734 were injured… we can do better and we must take up the age old value of acting in the best interest of the earth…

i’m trusting our journey on the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing, honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadow seeds into blooming gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas is fruitful for you especially under last night’s energy of the mystery school of Taurus…

on the second night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Taurus) gave to me, a dream of… a new song of the earth being sung by the underground root system run riot as grandmother spider spins the web of life of all our relations and white buffalo calf woman moves the web of life aboveground  with prayers of abundance inspiring sacred herds of buffalo to once again dance across the plains organically nourishing the earth as they empty themselves to replenish the soil… and the earth begins to sing the new song of the earth – of  all beings of the earth vibrating at one frequency of  love and peace re-joy-sing in being in harmony and in rhythm with divine flow…

may we all  recognize and honor the sacredness of every life walk and connect in deeper ways to life’s meaning and the values of peace, love, joy and harmony…

thousand fold thanks, great spirit, for whispering this song of the earth of our being for all children of the earth…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 10 – 12/26/2022

ah, pilgrimaging with the caravan of re-joy-sing began last night… i’d love to hear of your dream gift from aries, here’s  mine of  this first night’s journey into light, this awakening ever more deeply and expansively of our one illuminated heart…

on the first night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Aries) gave to me the dream gift of flying with a flock of “strange birds”, circling with unknown imaginal cells holding the same core knowings so that we could effect greater shifting in the collective as we journeyed as on interbeing…


a flock of geese flying home to sun

singing of joy and peace for everyone

open hearts now re-joy-sing spontaneously

awakening our light song at celestial frequency

 we soar on love’s sunbeams  in wild ecstasy


How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,

Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,

Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!

~ Rumi ~


thankyou, Beloved, for gifting such a moment of eternity of interbeeing, simply interbeeing fullheartedly/foolheartedly present in every moment, in every beautiful rainbow trail moment of eternity… and, as we go into dreamtime tonight, let’s tune into the element of earth and the energies of taurus to see what the dream gift is…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 9 – 12/25/2022

first, an intention for peace…

peace is here
when we want it

peace is here
when we want the health of our people more than global domination,
peace is here
when we want everyone’s prosperity
more than we want to be richer than others,
peace is here
when we want peace more than the illusion of security,
peace is here

peace is here
when we want to move forward more than we want our team to triumph,
peace is here
when we want to get the things we want more than we want the glory,
peace is here
when we want things to be right more than we want the story of being wronged,
peace is here

peace is here
when we want happiness more than we want to win,
peace is here
when we want connection more than we want ambitious achievements,
peace is here
when we want this moment more than we want our future fantasies (that will always fail to satisfy even if they do come true),
peace is here

peace is here
when we want to relax and repair more than we want to defend the story of ourself,
peace is here
when we want to seek understanding more than we want to win the argument,
peace is here
when we want to love more than we want to shield ourself from future grief,
peace is here

peace is here
when we want our sanity more than our reputation,
peace is here
when we want to be loved more than we want to be alone,
peace is here
when want what’s in the interest of all our relations
more than we want what’s in our self-interest
peace is here
when we want to remove the blocks to health more than we want anything else,
peace is here
when we want it


i’m trusting today has been a day of taking joy for you on yet another feast day celebrating the light, a magical moment of eternity when the portal is wide open for our re-membering who we are… radiant suns and receptive moons of our one cosmic heart…

on these upcoming twelve nights of the 12 Days of Christmas, i invite you to join me once again for our annual special pilgrimage, the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing, honoring our transcendent/descendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadow seeds into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the next 12 nights to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas…

on the first night of Christmas, my true love (Aries) gave to me, a dream of…  on the second night of Christmas, my true love (Taurus) gave to me, a dream of…  on the third night of Christmas, my true love (Gemini) gave to me, a dream of…   on the fourth night of Christmas, my true love (Cancer) gave to me, a dream of… don’t worry if you are seeing this on the 26th, you can still ask Aries to dream you…

so, you get the idea? each night our dream will be a gift from the sun signs, the light, guiding us, mapping the route along the rainbow trail as we re-member and re-birth more and more of whom we really and truly are…

i take joy with you as we adventure into dreamtime, re-joy-sing in this oft-quoted salutation from the Italian painter and architect Fra Giovanni (Angelico) in 1513…


“I salute you.

There is nothing I can give you which you have not,
but there is much that while I cannot give,
you can take.

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.
Take heaven.

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
Take peace.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.
Take joy.

And so at this Christmastime,
I greet you, with the prayer
that for you,
now and forever,
the day breaks
and the shadows
flee away.”


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 8 – 12/24/2022

today’s holi day journey is the quintessential poetic peace pilgrimage, one flowing moment of intoxication peppered with a string of hiccups, of spirits of peace, love and joy transmuting conflict, fear and sadness while carrying our one heart in a continuous blessingway deeper and deeper into incarnating, embodying the all that is…

thank you, thank you, thank you for this moment of grace, this day of pause, this season of dancing in stillness, merging the opposites into a seamless tapestry, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colored images of the many and the one…

dolphin dancing and leaping like waves flowing in the ocean… pulled by love out of my safe cove into the wider ocean of wonder, beauty, grace… i live in wonder at this journey’s unfolding in such a mysterious, serendipitous, synchronistic way and am so grateful when able to hold the tension of the opposites…

how i love this annual magical ride pulled by shamanic horses of the heart and skysea, our ever present dolphin guides who love taking us into the ocean depths  and space heights where we feel the magnetic  energy of the new moon in Capricorn on this day that hums to the tune of being presence and calls us to listen and attune to the cosmic frequency calling us home, home to the heart…

let us venture now to the river of joy below the river through that well worn wormhole, the rabbit hole, and encounter a communion of ancestors, so many members of the village impacting our destiny so profoundly… yes, today’s holi day journey is an ancestor blessingway overflowing with real eyes vision, realeyezations flowing from our sister moon about the new world we are breathing in where all our children are smiling in delight as we grow into a communal culture of light turned on by soular power to be our fullest expression and deepest purpose… to fly on the wings of love and to ground ourselves into the roots of belonging always being love, joy, peace and harmony…

breathe in this magical moment, this moment of wonder from our earth mother through our one heart and out to sky father who whispers it back to the great mother who breathes us again  and the seamless cycle of return  flows infinitely through the beyond…

one breath, one moment, one step of always being love…

happiest of trails…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 7 – 12/23/2022

today’s pilgrimage has a magical mystery tour quality, a perfect backdrop for drawing down the the powerful energies of the thirteenth new moon of this turn around the sun and a perfect moment while still in the portal of soulstice to be still and listen in a deeper way to our one cosmic heart’s whisperings for us all to invoke our shared quantum field of infinite possibilities for setting our intentions for moonifesting a cosmos of harmony where our heart beats as one resonant, unitive field…

in this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity, let’s breathe in peace deeply drawing down the rhythms of the dark moon and cultivate the mountain goat’s ability for receptive waiting by going into “thinking like a mountain” eternity consciousness… breathing in and breathing out, float down to the river below the river and see the polished stone whose jagged edges have been smoothed out by currents and whirlpools and floods and snow and glacier melts over the aeons and watch as this stone now rises revealing its true self as the sea goat of the ocean deeps and a mountain peak of quiet endurance and majestic calm, unmovable and unperturbable…

like the ocean deep and mountain peak, we are in our core, constant and true and able to follow Capricorn’s lead to climb every mountain and to dive deeply into the ocean of being, to fulfill our shared dharma, our right way of living – to co-create a cosmos of harmony, heaven on earth consciousness… now is the moment to plant the energy intentions, to seed our shared field with the resonance of co-creation, co-llaboration and beloved communion… breathing in and breathing out our shared dream intention for a cosmos of true refuge for all our relations…

tune into the star that is being birthed in this moment … a new consciousness of peace and harmony is now ripe to leave the birth canal and come into embodiment collectively and individually though even this division is transcended with this grand convergence into zero point continuum eternal now – blessed are we in the sacred conjunction of the planetary bodies at and as this threshold time into eternity is opening up and the umbilical cord to eden is restored and re-attached and that which was turned upside down is turned downside up in alignment with the naturel flow and breath of creation with rainbow serpent becoming rainbow bridge moonifesting heaven-earth consciousness…

how’s that for a little moonifesting?

yes! i’ll bee planting these heirloom seeds of transformation in the sacred garden and we will all return to the field of unitive love to interbee who we truly are, we will come back to the garden as the stardust beeings we are…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 6 – 12/22/2022

On the day I die, when I’m being carried
toward the grave, don’t weep. Don’t say,

He’s gone! He’s gone. Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets and

the moon sets, but they’re not gone.
Death is a coming together. The tomb

looks like a prison, but it’s really
release into union. The human seed goes

down in the ground like a bucket into
the well where Joseph is. It grows and

comes up full of some unimagined beauty.
Your mouth closes here, and immediately

opens with a shout of joy there.”

~ Rumi ~


on this second day of celebrating soulstice, of standing still with the sun, of celebrating the return of the light, i celebrate the life of Ram Dass as well on this third anniversary of his death… it seems the blink of an eye when Ram Dass, at his last annual retreat on Maui, was chanting the first mantra from his guru he ever shared…

shree ram jai ram jai jai ram…” over and over again we chant this mantra of grace… later, Ram Dass will go into his signature mantra… “I am loving awareness…” soon after this retreat he dropped his body and i immediately went into deep retreat with him culminating 8 months later when i died and Ram Dass asked if I wanted to walk home with him which i really did but when i went to gather my things to go with him and came back, he was gone which i took as my signal to come back into the body and continue to be here now in unwavering loving awareness… in celebration of his life, his light, let us join together in loving awareness…

taking this moment to conspire, to breathe together in gratitude gathering the quintessence re-membering who we truly are… loving sparks of light…

we are not these eyes and what they see, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

settle more deeply into spacious awareness saying… we are not these ears and what they hear, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

breathing in and out simply being and saying… we are not this mouth and what it tastes, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… we are not these hands and what they touch, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… we are not this nose and what it smells, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

now, noticing thoughts arising and memories saying… we are not these thoughts, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… we are not these memories, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

now, seeing the whole body and feeling the body from within the body saying… we are not this body, we are the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

breathing in feeling simply loving awareness… breathing out letting go of everything except resting in the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

thank you for filling us with lovingkindness

thank you for supporting us in everything

thank you for holding us in peace and ease

shanti, shanti, shantihi…

now, feel this healing light flooding every cell of our being dissolving all rigid, inflexible, habitual ways of being into patterns resonant with quintessential soular consciousness…

let’s pass this gift forward sending the divine light of love through our raised hands… feel the light emanating from your hand and feel this energy of light attracting more and more light, more and more love with every pulse we transmit into ever widening circles…

thank you for walking ever more deeply into love and compassion and lighting the way for us, Ram Dass…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 5 – 12/21/2022

Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the worlds. ~Rumi~

i love this timeless moment of eternity when all of nature surrenders as we welcome winter in the northern hemisphere and the return of the light bidding farewell to darkness on this shortest day when for a moment of sacred pause we stand still and reflect on this turn around the sun and the ways we have served the web of life, the ways we are called to release to make room for new seeds of intention we are invited now to plant as we draw down the the waning moon’s energy into the watery womb…


singing light into the dark

connecting with the stillpoint of creation

surrendering to love’s cosmic hum

mirroring nature

standing still like the sun

silently dreaming


today, while standing still with the sun invoking and breathing in this soulstice blessingway as we birth and nurture light’s eternal renewal, a song from childhood echoes inside, This Little Light of Mine… and, yes, as the words direct, i’m gonna let it shine, shine on the old story burning it away leaving us free to draw down the power of the waning moon and the Capricorn sun to be the new cosmic story…

while sitting today in the dark with Hecate, goddess of the darkness, join me in holding our hands over our heart as we take this soulstice moment of deep pause for re-membering and clean-sing and re-joy-sing the moons of 2022 for when we see through shero’s eyes, we real-eyes what we experienced as disappointments, obstacles, challenges all carry a seed, a gift for us to unwrap… a present that delights and surprises pointing the way to be peace, love, joy and harmony…


“To the Four Winds and the Four Corners of the Earth

To the Falling Rain and the Fire in the Sky

I call on you in Deep Respect and with Great Gratitude.

I call upon you to Support, Guide and Protect 
all who receive this prayer.

At this time of quiet and stillness

When the Light of the World is dim

And the Darkness around us deep

May we be still and listen for the silent sound of the 
seed of Illumination

That lives, always, within our heart and soul and mind.

May we seek now to awaken to more of the Light within.

For in the dark even the dimmest light can be seen.

In darkness, the faintest flicker of light

Is enough to guide us and show us the way.

May the inner light we now rekindle burn strong and bright.

May it expand and grow throughout the coming year

And may we continue to see, feel, share and 
shine our inner light

Into the World

Even as the outer light returns.

And so it is!”

~Edward Mills~


keep on shining…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 4 – 12/20/2022

on this, the cusp of soulstice, the day before the sun stands still which comes in this turning of the sun on another astonishing light of being day, i find myself in reverie, slowing down with the sun and synching into the rhythm of dreamwaves re-membering a lucid dream of profound stillness of many moons ago where i stared into a towering wave stretching across the earth and reaching up to the heavens… suspended in the stillpoint of the ocean of being, WE ARE in this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity on the precipice…


body, speech and mind in perfect harmony

our one heart floating along in rhythm with the waves of the sea

awestruck, we are transfixed by this still mountain of water

with the power to break us, to break our heart wide open

to welcome a new/old world, a new/old way of being

present… now… in the moment…

standing together in love


today, re-membering and reflecting on the still wave and a thousand other images from this turn around the sun, i am once again transfixed, in awe at the synchronous spinning of the waves, such a divine, rhythmic threading of the web of life… for one brief instant, i see simply breakdown, then, in the next flash the transcendent function kicks in transporting us to the field out beyond, the field of breaking open, breaking free, breaking through into harmony, feeling infinity…

feel our one heart smiling as we dance along the spirit path together deeper and deeper into the sacred wheel, spiraling into rainbowville… more and more magic, change in consciousness is on the way, mystical law will have its say…

as we, like the sun, slow down and still invoking the power of this potent portal, this doorway into the great turning, the shift of the ages release into the fire of spirit what no longer serves breathing in from the fire the inner light of source that guides us and shows us the way of living sacred simplicity each and every day…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 3 – 12/19/2022

“Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upward I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace.” ~the Q’ero~

thank you for filling this eighth day of the nine days of the stargate portal with a quintessence, of love, of gratitude, of beauty, of courage, of light…


awesome, totally awesome, flowing in beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, within us, thank you for singing our walking prayer…

thank you for being present in our every step as we wander into wonder

thank you for breathing us into being from the well of great silence

thank you for blessing us as we journey deeper into grace

thank you for blessing our homecoming into sacred space

for deep within is memory

of an ocean running free

round a field of rainbow light

cosmos of awe, garden of delight

thank you for breathing us into longing for the distant shore

thank you for breathing out belonging of oneness evermore

thank you for returning us now to the belly, womb of singing cells

thank you for breathing us in and out in rhythm with ringing bells

resonance resounding throughout the galaxy

resonance resounding, blessed harmony

awesome, totally awesome, flowing in beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, within us, thank you for singing our prayer…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 2 – 12/18/2022

according to the latest UNHCR report, 100 million plus individuals are now forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations, that is more than one per cent of humanity – 1 in every 78 people – and with fewer and fewer of those who flee being able to return home this UN Refugee Agency is appealing to countries worldwide to do far more to find homes for millions of refugees and others displaced by conflict, persecution or events seriously disturbing public order… i invite us to include all our relatives when we say migrants and that we work rather than fight for a better world for all…

let us take this sacred moment of eternity on this international migrants day to offer metta, lovingkindness, for all seeking refuge and sanctuary…

may i be filled with lovingkindness.
may i be well.
may i be peaceful and at ease.
may i be happy all the days of my life.

take a deep breath bringing the mantra in knowing it to be true…

now, visualize a refugee — a specific person or a group of people allowing yourself to believe in these aspirations, as though they are gifts you are actually giving this person…

may this refugee be filled with unconditional kindness.
may they have good health.
may they have inner and outer safety all the days of their lives.
may they be peaceful and at ease.
may they know happiness today and always.

now visualize all beings and repeat these phrases:

may all beings be filled with lovingkindness.
may we all know good health all the days of our lives.
may we know that inner and outer safety is our right.
may we all be peaceful and at ease.
may all being in all directions and all times be happy.

may we bring these intentions into actions for the benefit of all beings…