Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 81 – 3/6/2016

Named Magnificent March 6 Heart Breathing+

on this day of rest, i am tao-sing in the waters of peace, chanting peace prayers in one continuous loop… deep peace of the one cosmic wave flowing through us all…

Native American Prayer for Peace

Oh Great Spirit of our
Ancestors, I raise
my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children.
Give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind
Let us learn to share all good things that
you provide for us on this Earth.

The Prayer of Saint Frances

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . .hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
where there is sadness . . .joy
O Divine Master,
grant that i may not so much seek
To be consoled . . .as to console
To be understood . . .as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . .that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 80 – 3/5/2016

Named Magnificent March 5 ReBirth 9-13-15 010

as we enter the balsamic phase of the moon, the moment in the cycle to let go, i am swimming in the ocean of impermanence with waves of timelessness whispering the same refrain of my daily mantra of letting go, of dying to the old to flow with the new… which brings me to re-membering the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan best known for its policy of Gross National Happiness; in this land of happy people, one of their secrets of joy is contemplating death, the ultimate letting go, five times each day… the quintessential inspiration for seizing the moment, living with all the gusto, savoring…

as we prepare for this pisces new moon, the last new moon of the astrological year, this supermoon and solar eclipse – the first of four eclipses this year – a new door opens to a field of change where we are changed forever…

may we all be patient with impermanence and trust in the cosmic rhythm of timelessness…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 78 – 3/3/2016

Named Magnificent March 3 Loving

on today’s pilgrimage, i begin as an electric wave empowered by beloved’s meeting me in the great silence to come home for cleansing, clean – singing… organically, the rhythm flows into rest cycle with the inner lights dimming as the power pauses and  i dream and breathe in the rhythm of resting waves, the deep peace of a wave as still as death in the moment before the birth of the new…

when i go to write today’s peace, holy synchronicity!, the outer world mirrors the inner, we have lost power… thousandfold thanks for landing me here in the black hole of great silence, in the dancing stillness of great mystery… connected simply to the one power source, beloved, who opens us to the eternal light and reveals the sparkling jewel, the polished star pearl of the sea radiantly resting in the center of the bloom…

may we all breathe in the rhythm of love and breathe out beloved’s harmony again and again…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 77 – 3/2/2016

Named Magnificent March 2 jung-solitude-arctic-northern-lights

so much of the last nine months is a walk in the dark, a sauntering along a path unknown, a leap of faith, a trusting in the transcendent function to step up, especially, during shattering moments to comfort and allow a resting in the gap, in the sacred space of silence, in the stillpoint…

in this field beyond words, beloved appears to those patient waiters ready to be breathed alive, to the hollow reeds open to being conduits of divine flow and it is here, beloved inspires our taking one more step, encourages our sitting tenderly in the moment with our feelings, our ancestral feelings, our descendants’ feelings all merging in the one cosmic ocean of now…

in this solitude, in this divine alchemical flowing temple, the daft (divine alchemical flow team) transmute our shadowlands into gardens of grace… watered by our tears, we blossom like flow-ers opening to the light and revealing the sparkling jewel, the polished star pearl of the sea radiantly resting in the center of the bloom…

here in the black hole of great silence, in the dancing stillness of great mystery, we stand at the portal of a brave new world called to courageously collide with the old and break our one heart wide open giving everything up to receive everything…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 76 – 3/1/2016

Named Magnificent March 1 New Beginnings Tahoma Equinox

today is quite the new beginning with magnificent march roaring in like a lion on spirited wind gusts and i feel infinite love and gratitude for being so held in the center, in the stillpoint by thousands of invisible sheltering arms… so lovingly held, i am able to soften into flow, to be one with flow, to rest in flow, to be peace, to be here now, to be love now… i am present in this moment, this beautiful moment… i am trusting in this moment, this peaceful moment… i am surrendering in this moment, this loving moment… i am divine flow in this moment, this joyous moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 75 – 2/29/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 29leaping lamb joy

it’s 11:11 on 29/2/2016 or 11:11 on 11/11, yes, it’s THE holy synchronicity moment of quantum leaping into unbridled joy day… in this magical moment of flowing grace, leap wholeheartedly with wild abandon into divine destiny for this is a powerful portal, a day out of time, a window only opening once every four years… ride the wave ecstatically…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 74 – 2/28/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 28 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Jeweled Profile

i love closing out the calendar moon, as in month, with blessing the space between us… i know, i know, this is a leap year so we have one more day but i want to devote tomorrow to quantum leaping and tonight we are closing our beautiful circle with an amazingly potent blessingway nourished by the deep pilgrimage we have sauntered together… coming in joy, we trust the temenos to support us as we move ever deeper through the unknown together… holding hands in the dark, feeling the rhythmic waves of our one beating heart, we surrender our will to divine flow in the sacred space of the shadowlands and witness the birth of the new, the promise of every inbreath organically followed by the re-joy-sing of the outbreath… for in coming together in the stillpoint, the tiny space of the heart, we change everything, we are transformation dancing to the tune of canto hondo, our one soul song… be love,be loved…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 73 – 2/27/2016

Named Freely Flowing February 27 Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity

today i travel to an outer graceland for a beautiful gathering with soul family, a re-treat of tuning into the frequency of opening the heart… my first spoken words of the day in the “love is all here is” temenos are the same words spoken nine months previously when a dogstar trying to open my third eye ruptured  my second eye as well… which led to a dream of being in a temple just like the one i live in this weekend… this dream of nine months ago, of opening the door into the heart, of home being graceland, is birthed in this moment, this beautiful moment as we breathe in through our one heart and deep down into our core, inner navel of the universe, and, deeper down into our mother earth and breathe out love, sweet love into the multiverse’s harmony re-joy-sing in our coming more and more alive as we open our ever expanding cosmic heart wider and wider…