are you feeling the pull of the tides as the sun enters Aquarius, the celestial sea, under an Aquarian new moon- yes! it is indeed the age of Aquarius – such an auspicious moment to dive deeply into the flowing waters to re-member what lights us up, what is our dharma, our true purpose… Each of us is being called to follow our bliss, to create the new jerusalem, to radiantly embody the intentions, the seeds as the moon waxes and we manifest our truest calling… may we, in this moment, be still and listen to our one heart knowing our courage to birth our divine dreams opens us to the grace of miracles…
Category Archives: Pilgrimage
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 33 – 1/18/2015
to be with a horse is to ride the sky
kissing separation and constriction goodbye
to be with a horse is to leap into an ocean
as vast and embracing as the radiance of sun
to be with a horse is to feel sheltered
healing each other without a single word
to be with a horse is feeling the wind
beneath broken wings, now, on the mend
to be with a horse is to journey into core
arriving home to the heart of the shore
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 32 – 1/17/2015
we take Rumi on by going to the Summer House,
a true refuge of resonance in a sacred grove…
to dance with the rain under redwood’s expansive canopy
to gather around our campfire’s crackling electricity
to gaze into the outer flames emboldening the inner to ignite
to feast on silence in the center of the wheel
to journey to the stillpoint
flowing in beauty
being poetry
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 31 – 1/16/2015
It seems everyone i talk with is hearing the call to come to the edge and take a flying leap… Witnessing fledglings flying inspires me to join in, to step it up, to go full out for living the deepest held dream… Yes, i’m going for it, trusting wings will emerge, choosing love over fear, believing, knowing that love always finds a way… This pilgrim is walking her talk… Happy Trails to us all! Happy Open – Hearted Soaring!!
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 30 – 1/15/2015
Happy Birthday, Martin! Celebrating you today with great faith in what is and what is coming… I have journeyed to the mountain top where i listen to the celestial hum mapping out the path on the freedom road and journey a thousand miles and more without lifting a foot… loving how the circle of co-creators is expanding exponentially, a fractal of the universe we are… loving the flight into freedom we are sharing and so thankful for all of our relations whom have paved, are paving and will pave the way…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 29 – 1/14/2015
i want an exceptional “january jewel” for this special january day commemorating the birth of my jules and joan of arc and so i turn to the rainbow trail, the beautyway of walking peace, being peace, a journey going on forever and connecting us inextricably in the web of life… love celebrating this moment together…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 28 – 1/13/2015
“All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. … Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.”
― Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
so many celebrations today on the path with heart… sunshine, waning moon, communion with friends, weaving dreams, being still, listening deeply, radiating love…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 27 – 1/12/2015
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 26 – 1/11/2015
January is a moon for dreaming and for the pilgrimage i’m devoting the 31 days to January Jewels which syncs beautifully with my Jules’ birthday this month along with that of several dear friends. I love this picture’s jewels and the jewel of forgiveness as peace but i’d like to amend this jewel to include the most important forgiveness is that of self… not only does forgiveness bring peace, it also frees us for giving…
So, let’s journey to a safe place… in the center of this true refuge is a jewelry box with many drawers filled with hurts awaiting forgiveness… choose a drawer and empty the hurt into the light… let go of resentment and heartache allowing it to float into the light and disappear… once the drawer is empty, watch as it turns to sand and the wind blows it away…
If/when there are other hurts to be emptied, this safe space is always here for you…
shanti, shanti, shanti…