Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 113 – 4/8/2015

Named Awesome April 8 Heart Pilgrimage Vesica Piscesthe past seven days of pilgrimage have been a total, wholehearted immersion in flow, in being washed in beloved… today, is a day for small sips with long pauses in between… i feel i have been directly plugged into a million watt bulb that needs deep grounding…

so, i will wander through my garden home with heart wide open letting her sink into every pore and as i lie down on her and am one with her, i feel her singing me, dancing me, pulsing me, blessing me… deep peace of gaia…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 111 – 4/6/2015

Named Awesome April 6 Heart Pilgimage with Stone People of Heartawaken at 4:44 on Easter Monday with everyone of my 70 trillion cells vibrating at the most alive frequency, today we head off for sunrise at stonehenge… arriving in the mists, it looks like our magic bus has pulled into an ET Terminal where we get on a Hogwarts trolley to transport us more of the way… disembarking into pea soup, we walk the last steps to the ancient temple… A proper guard informs us not to touch any of the stone people and one of our sherpas reminds us to find our stone….

as we enter through a holy portal, we are teleported into the great beyond… i walk around the stone people as a labyrinth and drink in the most glorious sunrise ever witnessed as the sun transfigures into rainbow dragonfly weaving a web of luminescent light shimmering more brightly with every breath… if this were my last moment, it would be perfect… to just drink in the sun on this holy ground with our ancestors is pure ecstasy… my cup runneth over and flows into dancing and singing in joyous celebration of all our relations…

as we leave the temple, i begin to feel like Harry Potter with a strange throbbing between my eyes, yes, stonehenge is the gift that keeps on giving as my third eye fully activates and with it, the ability to see through the veils…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 110 – 4/5/2015

Named Awesome April 5 Heart Pilgrimage Easter Chalice WellHallelujah! A beautiful day to celebrate rising from the tomb, rainmaker coming out of the hut now that all is in harmony, the waters in the well are singing joyous hymns grateful for an abundance of graceful flow lighting up a world reborn, a world breathing deep love and peace…

We journey to an ancient cathedral to experience celestial music of the heavenly spheres and then home to the beloved well to celebrate rebirth on the full moon, to celebrate the radiant light we are…Named Radical Joy 23 Jo download+

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 109 – 4/4/2015

Named Awesome April 4 Tor Heart Pilgrimage April 2015 010on the fourth day of this pilgrimage of the heart, this retreat into death and rebirth, i face the greatest challenge yet and one like all the others on this journey i question whether i am able to meet… thousandfold thanks to the eternal family encircling me and the one who believed i would make and encouraged every step with the words that have become a manta, one more step… when we reached the top the top of the glastonbury tor, i felt like an astronaut landing on the moon – one small step for a human, one giant leap for humanity… truly, this triumph was a family affair…

i’m sure you heard the bells ringing on the hill and felt the wind blowing our one heart wide open wherever you were and joined in chanting shanti, shanti, shanti, peace, peace, peace….

thousandfold thanks for sharing this journey into our one heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 108 – 4/3/2015

Named Awesome April 3 Heart Pilgrimage Chalice Wellfollowing the long day’s journey into the mysts of avalon and being purified in the healing waters of the heart chakra, i dream on this good friday of being put in a deep chamber and i wonder what this is about trusting the knowing will come, our one heart is opening to the flow as the well sings the words…

arise to meditate and commune with eternal family before embarking on our first shared walking in beauty to the ancient abbey of glastonbury where we dance around the high altar drinking in beloved, re-membering her well…

in the evening as we gather around the well, her guardian, Joseph, tells us about the five deep chambers at the bottom of the well… aha! smile! (start my internal love engine)… mystery unfolding as the well sings…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 107 – 4/2/2015

Named Awesome April 2 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1Woo Hoo! I flew across the pond deeper and deeper into the unknown on the wings of the beloved who keeps providing just what is needed when it is needed… Case in point, I sit in a huge Heathrow Terminal awaiting the sherpas and tune into cosmic hum until an inner prompting says to look up and there is an angel coming toward me, welcoming me in the sweetest warm embrace – yes, the sherpas are gathering the flock of pilgrims and herding us into the magic bus to launch the magical mystery tour through the misty veils to the Isle of Avalon, heart chakra of Gaia, we are coming home… blessing the homecoming…


May I wake to Earth’s energy as my heart.
May I wake to Earth’s ocean as my tears.
May I wake to Earth’s wind as my breath.
May I wake to Earth’s landscape as my body.

May my heart open dormant seeds.
May my tears fill rain clouds.
May my breath give flight to migrating birds.
May my body be an island of refuge.


May you wake to Earth’s energy as your heart.
May you wake to Earth’s ocean as your tears.
May you wake to Earth’s wind as your breath.
May you wake to Earth’s landscape as your body.

May your heat open dormant seeds.
May your tears fill rain clouds.
May your breath give flight to migrating birds.
May your body be an island of refuge.


May Mother Earth depend on our heart for her energy.
May Mother Earth depend on our tears for her ocean.
May Mother Earth depend on our breath for her wind.
May Mother Earth depend on our body for her landscape .

May Mother Earth open dormant seeds.
May Mother Earth fill rain clouds.
May Mother Earth give flight to migrating birds.
May Mother Earth have islands of refuge.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 106 – 4/1/2015

Named Awesome April 1 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1beginning the adventure of a lifetime on April Fool’s Day is so divinely orchestrated… i have no idea if i’ll be able to make this long journey flying across the pond; for the last eleven days prior to traveling, I had been contending with breathing and pulmonary issues… almost a day later, i land safely and await the unfolding of the next chapter of mystory which seems sure to be as exciting as a good mystery… stay tuned in!


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 104 – 3/30/2015

Named Miraculous March 30 Sea Turtle 2++yes, this pilgrim is about to re-treat into the inner chamber under the shell and unplug from the outer world… it’s been touch and go, i’ve been pretty under the weather but all the support and lovingkindness is fueling my throwing dreams to the winds and taking flight…. these past 11 days of unknowing seem a perfect prelude for the pilgrimage i’m about to embark upon and remind me of one of my favorite Wendell Berry poems which i’ve been quoting of late…

It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,

and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.

The impeded stream is the one that sings.


i must be on my real journey and coming into my real work as a singing stream…

Happy Rainbow Trails!