Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 123 – 4/18/2015

Named Awesome April 18 Moon New with Rainbow+++first new moon of the new astrological year… intensifying the energy of new moon, new story… a day of contemplating what is to be planted for this rebirth, this new story… we are rapidly approaching critical mass to make the shift that gaia already has, to re-member who we are and to serve that knowing wholeheartedly…

in joy, contemplate this new moon, this new story and how it will sing you and dance you and come alive…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 122 – 4/17/2015

Named Awesome April 17 Birthre-membering the well, re-membering it well, living as one in the heart of our beloved earth mother… everyday, a re-birthday party in celebration with eternal family…

a week ago, i flew across the pond, following a migratory pilgrim route to Portalandia… a week of savoring every morsel of the pilgrimage which i will forever as our pilgrimage is forever…

always changing, always the same…


WATER (We Are The Eternal Radiance)

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 119 – 4/14/2015

Reflecting Circular Bridge

I come today to the river below the river

reflecting in silence in a circular way

calling for complete surrender

only love is allowed to stay


reflecting in silence in a circular way

always standing in center in balance with all

only love is allowed to stay

medicine wheel so powerful your call


always standing in center in balance with all

being one with deep mystery

medicine wheel so powerful your call

to come home to the heart forever free


I come today to the river below the river

reflecting in silence in a circular way

always standing in center in balance with all

being one deep mystery

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 117 – 4/12/2015

Named Awesome April 12 Heart Pilgrimage Return Annointing Watersonly one thing could rouse me from the incubator in the dream cave – anointing a body of water with the well water from the heart chakra which is imbued with love, light, peace and harmony flowing deep from the womb of our earth mother. i promised the well to re-member her by sprinkling her healing energy whenever around water… today, we perform the first of many purification ceremonies… now, it’s back to immerse in the radiance of beloved as the divine breathes me, dreams me, sings me, dances me…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 116 – 4/11/2015

Named Awesome April 11 Heart Pilgrimage starchild Homecomingthe great return becomes the eternal slumber… i feel like sleeping beauty – didn’t she nod out for a hundred years? after 24 hours of continuous travel, what’s decadent about 36 hours of beauty rest? It was sublime, even the waking up every hour to bless the space between us, beloved as you continue to sing through me, calling our name… surely, you felt our one heart bursting wide open in infinite love and gratitude… they may be sleepless in seattle but we’re sleeping in portalandia, home to big dreamers and may they transform the old into the new…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 115 – 4/10/2015

Named Awesome April 10 Heart Pilgrimage Jo Well Too 4-10-15

meditating around the well in the very heart of the great mother’s heart,

we tune into beloved’s cosmic hum and awaken with the central sun…

radiating shimmering waves of luminescence coloring our multiverse  rainbow,

the celestial chorus sings out hallelujah and the hills ring bells in synchrony…

 reaching out our hands to one another forming a circle forever unbroken,

we are a golden mirror of the divine, we are beloved…


today ends the outer pilgrimage and begins the inner pilgrimage which, like love, is eternal… as we scatter to the winds, we retrace our steps through the long and winding re-birth canal breathing in, being the transformation we are always…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 114 – 4/9/2015

Named Awesome April 9 Healing Heart Pilgrimage April 2015 166today is another day of celebration… three years ago on this date, i discovered that the latest form of cancer to visit had spontaneously remitted thanks to dWELLing in the overflowing abundance of infinite love and gratitude…

of course, we will sieze the moment of being in the heart chakra under a sacred tree of life with the Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill smiling down on us to sink into our earth mother’s field of grace aligning our heartbeats with gaia’s as the drum’s rhythmic beats teleport us from the womb of the earth through the birth canal delivering us into the sunlit garden to meet and greet our powerful allies, the nature spirits blessing our walks on the rainbow trail…

how divinely orchestrated our last full day in the heart chakra is, journeying into radiant healing energies and hearing the well singing to us of our rebirth as divine…

We Are The Eternal Radiance…