Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 131 – 4/25/2016

Named Appreciation April 25 Haiku Alive 4-24-14

join me on a beautiful pilgrimage in one of the most serene places on the planet allowing the deep peace of this sacred space to breathe us, to enter every cell of our being… in this moment, drop down into the core, the well of profound joy and stillness feeling the ever present ancestors and allies guarding the great silence, watching over all that is… drop down a little deeper into the mystery of the great beyond…

I love the dark hours of my being.
My mind deepens into them.
There I can find, as in old letters,
the days of my life, already lived,
and held like a legend, and understood.

Then the knowing comes: I can open
to another life that’s wide and timeless.

So I am sometimes like a tree
rustling over a gravesite
and making real the dream
of the one its living roots

a dream once lost
among sorrows and songs.

~ Ranier Maria Rilke ~

namaste, beloveds

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 130 – 4/24/2016

Named Appreciation April 24 Reverence

Albert Schweitzer, a childhood hero of mine, impressed me so much with his reverence for life that decades later i included it as one of the practices of my SHERO acronym… i began this year with an intention of being in the moment intimately connected with the all that is in the space surrounding me, of being reverence…

today, i’m luxuriating in the practice of being reverence as divine play, yes, reverence as the play of contemplating and connecting the dots of whatever images, feelings, sensations, re-memberings, visualizations, of whatever is in this moment… reverence as play of witnessing grandmother spider weaving the web of exponentially intricate interconnection, a geometric progression as amazing as the hundreds of thousands of processes going on in our bodies sacredly, secretly, silently, softly, superbly right now, in this moment…

i’d love your pausing with me for a moment of play, a moment of being reverence, a moment of zooming in and zooming out, of deepening, of intimacy as into me i see, a moment of being fully alive, a moment of being reverence for life, reverence for all that is… oh, the places we’ll go…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 129 – 4/23/2016

Named Appreciation April 23 Rumi Dancing.

dancing in the center of the still medicine wheel

whirling and twirling the cosmic reel

resonating with heartbeat of earth

listening deeply for the sound of her birth

flowing in this moment of now,

all my relations, to you i bow


in this friendly universe, where trust is the ground of consciousness

organically, our one heart opens wide as an empty vessel of spaciousness

 freeing us in every moment to dance in rhythm with ocean

and sing our sacred soul song in wholehearted devotion

with each breath we return to our center, stillpoint of creation, holy ground of surrender

to begin anew with reverence, with a wonderfilled awesome yes, Yes, YES!


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 128 – 4/22/2016

Named Appreciation April 22 Earth Day

Happy Love Our Mother Earth Day!

what a perfect way to spend earth day…. with young haiku poets in a zen garden like that on the island of the rising sun…. a sacred space rendering the effusive seven year olds speechless as the serenity of the garden enters their wild cells so deeply… i re-member the very first “earth day” forty-six years ago as if it happened yesterday and what a delight to hear what it means today to our earth children… these young souls born into sustainability, realizing the preciousness of water and fresh air, appreciating all our relations and the importance of working together to honor our island home… yes, perfect way to spend earth day, everyday…

i’d love your joining me in this moment in a meditation to invoke the spirit of our earth mother into our one body… sit easy with a straight spine and a light neck and begin breathing in deeply and comfortably… raise your arms up 60 degrees from horizontal, elbows and wrists straight… stretch your body forward slightly with the angle of the palms following the angle of the arms and the fingers are straight and together, thumbs relaxed… imagine a flame in the center of your being and continue to breathe deeply dropping deeper and deeper into the core…

in closing, inhale deeply with a prayer for peace and our earth mother creatrix.. hold for 15 seconds, exhale, inhale deeply feeling in your heart the blessing of the divine mother… hold for 15 seconds, exhale, inhale deeply feeling the taste of the sweetness of life… hold for 15 seconds, exhale radiating deeply our mother’s love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 127 – 4/21/2016

Named Appreciation April 21 Moon Full in Scorpio

this Scorpio Full Moon comes at the threshold of the full blossoming of Spring, and is the most feminine energy moon of the thirteen moons… imagined as a clover field, this moon is ripe with luck. abundance and finding and awakening to metaphorical four leaf clovers, our own pearls of great price

the pearl represents our higher self, whose enlightenment and wisdom are the manifestation of our true self.. like the Buddha who once sat under this full moon and received enlightenment, we are invited to face our shadows and harvest the gifts and treasures hidden within which releases our true self to arise from the ashes of these old personal and collective stories and to rebirth completely new stories.

part of my new story/our new story is re-joy-sing in our coming together in harmony to hear and sing the deepest soul song of our one cosmic heart…

we are the grace of all that is

how can we honor and serve you?

we find we are longing to fall deeper into you

for we are the grace of you…


now’s the moment to let go the old

soften the earth and plant new seeds

falling into and going with the flow

warmed and embraced by the inner glow


we are the grace of all that is

re-joy-sing in honoring and serving you

walking the path of devotion, we fall deeper into you

into the stillpoint of creation, into the grace of you…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 126 – 4/20/2016

Named Appreciation April 20 Gratitude Mountain

for the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of this magical mountain, tahoma, for the beauty of coming home to the heart, for the beauty of all our relations, for the beauty of this moment overflowing with light and love and joy and peace and harmony, let us all breathe gratitude deeply into our one heart and down into the core and out into the cosmos in ever widening circles of lovingkindness and compassion…

thanks for our being peace and joy in this moment as deep mystery breathes us into living more abundantly, dancing more gracefully and singing more wholeheartedly in appreciation of the all that is…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 125 – 4/19/2016

Named Appreciation April 19 Heart Breathing.

so many miles traveled in the course of this day, a day of walking the talk, being present and true, trusting in and surrendering to divine flow… a day of simply showing up wholeheartedly for many wild and precious moments requiring relying on our inner gps to align with love and to show the way through logjams and oil spills and detours through unknown terrain… a day of celebrating traversing the narrow passageway to the freedom of the other shore, a day of communion with spirits, visible and invisible, an ordinary day/an extraordinary day of love and light giving rise to our one heart soaring in deep flight.. always being love, peace, joy and harmony in the central core….

blessings, beloveds…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 124 – 4/18/2016

Named Appreciation April 18 Rumi Farmer of the Heart

i hear today is tax day prompting my re-membering how for years i listed my occupation as freelance farmer… today, i so resonate with being a farmer of the heart as i luxuriate in being still and nurturing the earth of being and the seeds of lovingkindness, compassion, joy and peace with an organic frequency like that of the sun, a frequency radiating unconditional love…

thank goodness for this sacred moment of divine indulgence, this sacred moment of tending the garden with devotion, a practice so easily accessible through our breath as we inhale, drop down deeply and pause in the stillpoint of creation resting in a field of radiance, where we can freely choose love and emulate radiating the sun’s pure vibration throughout the cosmic garden exponentially raising the frequency of love…

i love farming the heart with you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 123 – 4/17/2016

Named Appreciation April 17 Prrayer of St Teresa

on this sabbath day of rest, i am like a frog on a lily pad in a beautiful reflecting pond basking in the sun and celebrating this moment, this moment of divine indulgence when the greatest service i offer the whole is simply being love now and now and now… somehow, i thought i’d wake up today from this dreamy, dozey, twilight, post-surgery consciousness; however, that is not where i am… i’m imagining all our relations celebrating this moment as the only moment and the moment where we are all laser beaming love… what a wonderful world, truly filled with wonder and awe and one we can truly appreciate as we emulate frog’s pregnant pause and simply breathe in light and breathe out love…

yes, may we all experience the deep peace of the inner flowing wave and the rapturous joy of the dancing sunflower in this moment, in every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 122 – 4/16/2016

Named Appreciation April 16 Angel of Light

i’m declaring today, 5 Alive Day… five years ago today, a day vibrating at the master number frequency of eleven, the LIGHT frequency, i coded and this angel of rainbow tinted white light came into me and flowed through me as she always does in times of troubled waters, in moments of great peril…

spontaneously appearing as a vortex of whirling white light, this winged angel of flight activates a mysterious flow of healing energy sacredly, secretly, silently, softly, supportively… i hear the team of earthly angels celebrating getting a pulse going in me, i’m returning to the land of the living, returning to the miracle of being breathed alive in this moment, in every moment…

thousandfold thanks, dear angel of light, for watching over all of us in the dark of the night and in the light of the day for breathing and weaving the all that is in the rhythm of waves of love energy, home to freely flowing great mystery…

thank you for sharing this journey with me, for walking home together into the land of the free…