Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 143 – 5/8/2015

Named Momentous May 8 Water Blessing at Gorge 5-7-15 009every moment is one of poetic medicine and fridays’ moments laser beam in on the power of poetry… breaking free of structure… stretching boundlessly… imagining wildly… luxuriating in this moment… feeling home… embodying all is well… re-membering we are wave and particle, the whole ocean and the ocean in a drop…

may we all answer the call to dream big, make giant leaps, stretch as wide as all galaxies and be the ever expanding living poetry we are…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 141 – 5/6/2015

Named Momentous May 6 Ocean Pilgrimage Water Blessing

a journey of many thousands of miles brings us to the sea of peace with healing mother waters from the isle of avalon…. thousandfold thanks for giving us life and blessing our earth walks… standing before you, we re-member we are water, we are the ocean in a drop… may our one heart be purified more than ever before for the benefit of all as we drink you into our being…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 140 – 5/5/2015

Named Momentous May 5 Haiku Alive 5-5-15 006how better to celebrate cinco de mayo or any moment than by water…. looking out, beauty is before us; looking in, beauty is reflected in a magical way capturing our attention, bringing us home to present moment, only moment where we re-member we are water, we are mirrors and the clearer we are, the more beauty we radiate in echoing ripples above and below… may we all be the eternal radiance we are more than ever before benefiting all…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 138 – 5/3/2015

Named Momentous May 3 Wesak Great Invocation

today’s full moon of illumination (8:42 PM PDT) is a water pitcher pouring out healing elixir on our blossoming pachamama, our beautiful, bountiful earth mother…

may we all open more than ever before to receiving everything as blessing into the earth of being and radiating light and love in the all that is with every breath…

may we walk in wonder with every step on this most powerful full moon of the year, the moon when Buddha was born, enlightened, and died, invoking light and love unceasingly…

may we know in every wild cell we are the eternal radiance…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 137 – 5/2/2015

Named Momentous May 2 Moment Guruperfect words for this moment ous month of may, this moment ous moon of illumination… what a day of every moment, every breath being the guru… what a day of moment after moment of illumination…

witnessing a sistar transfiguring, being and becoming more radiant light with every breath, celebrating we are love, love is all there is, coming home to our one heart…

savoring the rising of the almost full moon of illumination, drawing down the powerful energy of this moon as it bathes us in spiritual blessings…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 136 – 5/1/2015

Named Momentous May 1 Tahoma Equinox 2014 009+today is may day, the first day of momentous may, yes, a moon of magical moments, moment(ou)s… i see it as perfect to start with one of my favorite poems… a new beginning quietly forming in the background waiting for us to catch the rhythm… to be present opening to what is, trusting in the unfolding path, surrendering to the call of beloved….

may we open more wholeheartedly than ever before to this moment of new beginning and awaken to the radiant light we are…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 135 – 4/30/2015

Named Awesome April 30 Rumi Beloved Grows from HeartHappy Last and Best Day of Awesome April and Happy Walpurgis Eve!

such an amazing month of deepening relationship with and embodying the beloved and now we get to go wild as we celebrate spring by shedding old skins and stories

Calling in A World of PEACE

may we be more loving than ever before for the well being of all

may we be more compassionate than ever before for the well being of all

may we be more harmonious than ever before for the well being of all

with every breath, may we all be liberated

with every step, may we all come home to true refuge dwelling in our one heart


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 134 – 4/29/2015

Named Awesome April 29 Water Playthe next to last day of Awesome April lives up to its name… the day begins with drinking in healing waters and sharing them with a soul sister undergoing a powerful initiation… then, off on a pilgrimage of a different sort… wading in the waters of sacred marriage energy to find just the right gown befitting a mermaid or mermatron… home again, home again for even more blessings to whoosh down from the falls with a very special water blessingway pilgrimage coming into form and a friend’s cancer had not spread and another’s deepest dream manifesting in the outer world… as the sun sets, i sit in a soul gathering committed with every breath to being harmony and lovingkindness, to walk in service with every step…

the day ends as it began with drinking in healing waters blessing life as it blesses us… always being love…