Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 243 – 8/16/2015

Named Amazing August 16 Dreamer Harriet Tubmannow is the moment…. under the waxing new moon is the perfect moment for seeding dreams, for using her dark, germinating energy to imagine dreams large enough to fill the infinite sky… as a conductor of slaves into freedom on the underground railroad, tubman would sing out “to wade in the water” to keep the freedom seekers safe from those who attempted to capture them… i love this image and have been wading in the waters so that no thing can capture and enslave the dreams of the soul…

may we all dive deeply into the wellspring of our being and create in the rhythm of our dreams…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 242 – 8/15/2015

Named Amazing August 15 Rumi Close Your Eyesin the midst of a world unraveling, where we dance in the dark in the rhythm of unknowing, still, dwell in the river beow the river, the underground wellspring of love… re-member all you truly love… re-member… re-member… close your eyes as the waves of love rise and breathe it deeply into every wild cell… in this moment, this beautiful moment luxuriate in being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 241 – 8/14/2015

Named Amazing August 14 Moon New Invocation

i love invoking the energy of the new moon, i love drawing down the darkness and planting myself in her field to germinate… i love  placing my attention and intention in sister moon and receiving the new life, the new story, the new song as the seed breaks open through the ground under the feet of moon goddess…

i love flowing in the rhythm of new moon tides and feeling the surge of reaching a new shore, i love sensing the long wait is over, the time of being on hold, suspended, is done and quickening is now here…

i love dancing in the dark, empty and free, to welcome the new rising harmony…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 240 – 8/13/2015

Named Amazing August 13 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Unknowingtoday is one of those days to pause in unknowing and rest gently under the darkening moon… a day to breathe in beloved’s love and feel her support, a day of deepening into the rhythm of our expanding cosmos, a day of feeling one’s chest pulled apart to open the heart space wider, a day of simply trusting that all is well, a day of surrendering to love whatever is, a day of emptying, a day of unknowing except for the reality that we are all walking each  other home to our one open heart… thousandfold thanks for sharing this road less traveled, this path with heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 239 – 8/12/2015

Named Amazing August 12  turtle_hatchingeverywhere i am today feels like a hatchery; every circle, a nest of hatchlings breaking free from constriction and expanding into a more spacious home, an open heart… as with any birth, growth, transition, transformation, there is pain which underlines the importance of our nestling together and emracing each other’s journey through the birth canal into the river of awakening that flows into the ocean of love…

yes, these moments are the perfect ones to embrace what is, to befriend whatever comes our way… Rumi says it so beautifully…

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond. 

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 238 – 8/11/2015

Named Amazing August 11 Japanese Garden O-Bon 2014 008+i love celebrating the obon festival every summer when we honor our ancestors’ journeys… i love moments of darkness as a powerful space for seeing the great beyond inside of ourselves and reflecting this sight outward… this year, it’s especially poignant for me since i’ve been spending so many days in darkness… i love seeing this time of healing blindness as an extended obon festival, a beautiful time of communion with ancestors…. thousandfold thanks for deepening the spirit path into great mystery…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 237 – 8/10/2015

Named Amazing August 10 Rumi Inner Visionin this moment, this beautiful moment, close your outer eyes and tune into the universe within… take a deep breath and begin to adjust to the peace of the darkness of inner space… as you float in this spaciousness, re-member what you love… now, lie down in this field of love and enjoy the dream images dancing through your being….

take comfort in this gentle space with nowhere you must go for you are now here in your space of true refuge, a magical place so easily accessible by simply breathing in the rhythm of the waves and turning your senses within…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, listen for beloved’s sweet refrain to come back, come back, return to me dwelling this moment in harmony…

may we all conspire in joy and birth a planet of peace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 236 – 8/9/2015

Named Amazing August 9 Peace Park Nagasakiseventy years ago, at the end of World War II, an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki in Japan with the hypocenter right on the grounds of what is now the Peace Memorial Park…

listen to Words of the Sculptor about the Peace Statue he created to commemorate all who lost their lives to atomic radiation:

“After experiencing that nightmarish war, that blood-curdling carnage, that unendurable horror, Who could walk away without praying for peace? This statue was created as a signpost in the struggle for global harmony. Standing ten meters tall, it conveys the profundity of knowledge and the beauty of health and virility. The right hand points to the atomic bomb, the left hand points to peace, and the face prays deeply for the victims of war. Transcending the barriers of race and evoking the qualities of Buddha and God, it is a symbol of the greatest determination ever known in the history of Nagasaki and the highest hope of all mankind.”

-Seibo Kitamura (Spring 1995)

may we all sing out for peace and harmony for all our relations in our ever expanding universe and thank Great Spirit for blessing us with every breath…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 235 – 8/8/2015

Named Amazing August 8 lions-in-loveare you feeling the energy of your inner lioness, the divine feminine, roaring gently into all your wild cells and quickening the rhythmic flow of love and compassion?

yes, today the doors of love and compassion have been flung wide open for all to breeze through with our courageous lionhearts into this brave new world of lovingkindness and compassion….

let’s all take this moment, this beautiful moment. to bask in the radiant light streaming through us to see all that is as it truly is… a beautyway of love and light…

i see you… i am you… i honor you… i love you… i love you… i love you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 234 – 8/7/2015

Named Amazing August 7 Earth Resonanceon awakening, i re-member a dream of being on the grounds of Open Heart U where the Beloved Communion dwells and hearing that my mission is to sing… like so many days. a melody is singing me as i luxuriate in liminal space with one sole in dreamtime and the other in awaketime…

are you hearing beloved singing you? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as you suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this beautiful moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through your oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one heart…

may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relatios: stones, stars, streams, breezes, sand, sun, ocean, currents, plants, starfish, seas, planets, creatures, rivers, and winds… may our inhalations inspire rejoicing and our exhalations resound and reverberate the joyful sounds throughout the watery womb of our one heart…

sing, sing, wherever you are, a song of love blessing the earth…