Category Archives: Pilgrimage
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 50 – 2/4/2016
today is one more day of hearing the call and following the call to come back home to spirit, to dissolve into spirit, to be so at one with spirit that all borders vanish between me and thee… i come in gratitude and offer up our pains and suffering to be used as compost to nourish the earth… i come as love, the animating energy of all that is and knock on the door of feeling like death asking this door to open to love, simply open… in this trusting, this surrendering, this turning i am transported to the stillpoint where the dance begins, yes, i’m coming back…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 49 – 2/3/2016
this week is so challenging to be free flowing patience, a week of such muddy waters taking the form of congestion, a head cold making it hard to breathe, a wu wei week of being so still deep in the void… yes, it is uncomfortable and yes, it is a stretch in such moments to be present in the moment in love and gratitude trusting the water will clear, the congestion will break open… trusting the water is clear, trusting the congestion is broken open… for now, all i can do is surrender, soften into the embrace of mystery and wait patiently re-membering everything is grace, especially this moment, this breakthrough moment…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 48 – 2/2/2016
On Imbolc (In the Belly) also known as St Brigid’s Day, Groundhog Day and Candlemas, we celebrate midwinter in the northern hemisphere, this day is midway between winter soulstice and spring equinox, a day when the goddess returns as goddess of the hearth with sacred flame here to warm our one heart again…
on this gray day of midwinter
the cold has begun to fade
and the days grow longer
a time when earth is quickening
birthing the fire after darkness
now, goddess of the hearth returns with eternal flame
and as earth grows full of life, blessings resound…
may we all celebrate the abundance of new life
and the cascading prosperity of cosmic flow
as light and love illuminate our path of heart
and return us to our home…
synchronistically, this day, 2-2-2016 vibrates at 13 symbolized in the wheel of life as death, death of the old and birth of the new, death as transformation, as turning with the cycle onto another level, a consciousness driven by divine will of lovingkindness and compassion, a consciousness of the heart… welcome home!
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 47 – 2/1/2016
welcome freely flowing february and the new beginning you bring… a moment, a day, a moon, a year to begin anew and call in the spirits asking to be presented with doors that open us to our new path of discovery unfolding along the road less traveled… a road inviting our wholehearted presence, our wholebeing essence, our complete trust, our suspending doubt in places unknown and uncertain circumstances, our letting go of any and every thing no longer working to open the space for spirit to freely flow…
we honor our new beginning with our soul’s intention for change… in my new life, i commit my energy to… peace, love and joy trusting in beloved to carry me across the wild deep blue sea to a shore i cannot see, trusting beloved to carry me into the true refuge of great mystery…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 46 – 1/31/2016
holy synchronicity! this last day of journeying january begins like the first day of this transitional month with a nod and wink from the spirits that be… the spirits that be the space between us in that instant after breathing in and before we breathe out, that stillness, that true emptiness, that great silence between… in and out, up and down, dark and light, before and after… the moment of pure consciousness of infinite love wanting all our relations to be deep in the center of the everything/no thing, the tao that cannot be spoken, real-eye-sing there is no self, only one vast isness of interdependence always turning in the rhythm of impermanence, transforming moment by moment like our sister moon…
yes, today begins with syncing under the waning moon, the moment to reflect as we pause on the brink of a new breath, a new day, a new month, a new year, a new world… yes, the moment of in between, the moment of choosing… to be or not to be… to be free to dance wholeheartedly, to love unconditionally, to speak truth courageously, to walk each other home gracefully…
thousandfold thanks, beloveds… namaste’… mahalo and aloha…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 45 – 1/30/2016
on this next to the last day of journeying january, one long continuous conversation – a turning with, intimate communion with all that is – flows from the deep wellspring at the center of being… a moment of feeling the earth move under our feet as we make a seismic shift and like the earth, open to what is calling us, what must come forth in us, what do we truly love?
when we enter this primeval night, this moment of cosmic dreamtine, what images, sensations, inner knowings, ideas, feelings, aromas, songs, dances arise spontaneously? as we breathe in deeply our earth mother who loves us so through our one heart, feel this sea of love energy infusing every wild cell in your being with love so that now you see, really see the radiant rainbow cosmic communion we are when we arrive, when we turn with, when we come home to the heart, the field of stillness out beyond the known and named and certain, the sacred space of constant flow where infinite love is all there is to know….
we all come from great silence and to silence we shall return, with every breath we come home to be reborn…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 44 – 1/29/2016
has today’s pilgrimage felt like a magical mystery tour for you as it has for me? it is the 44th day, a master number, of the 3rd year of crystal-eye-sing the journey with a daily post, a day marking the death of the poet who inspired me from early on talking of the road less traveled, a journey i have taken over and over again even when a part of me wants to take the known way…
yes, when it comes down to it as to what is essential and how to best serve the whole, soul answers the call of the wild and saunters along the path of adventure, to traverse a path asking for wholehearted, wholebeing devotion…
with every breath, with every step, may we commit to being present in, trusting and surrendering to divine flow – the stillpoint of our essence of love’s flow where the dance of life begins…
take this moment of true refuge as pregnant pause to rest in the gap, the space between formless and form, the silence from which the dancing pours forth to simply be… in this moment, this wild and precious moment…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 43 – 1/28/2016
“It really boils down to this, all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
with every breath and step on the pilgrimage today, i’ve been contemplating how we all best serve the whole… i believe the bedrock of this query is understanding that all our relations prosper only when we realize we are part of a greater whole and our survival, our sustainability is intricately linked in the same way we are intricately interconnected to every thread in the web of life. It is, always has been and always will be a story of cooperation. Just as all the 70 trillion cells of my body cooperate to make me work, so must the 70 trillion cells to the 70th trillion power cooperate for the cosmos to continue expanding…
yes, Martin saw that the will to connect is our most essential impulse and how what affects one of us, affects everyone of us and how could it not since we are one body-mind-spirit-soul made up of trillions of cells to the infinite power…
since every thought, word and deed affects all our relations, may we all walk in wonder, saunter in awe as shepherds, as lightkeepers, as sheltering arms, as beloveds as we all walk each other home…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 42 – 1/27/2016
for the last 58 days, i have traveled in good company, beloved community, with the sangha of letting go, a caravan of re-joy-sing as we prepare for that which cannot be named… quantum leaping into the void (vortex of ineffable dimensionality) whose signpost can only point to where we are wandering as…
hollow reed, drop of dew, bubble floating in a stream
flickering light, phantom of the night, luminous, numinous dream
coming home to true emptiness, place of great silence, ground zero of all being
whirlwind spiraling silently while dancing stars form effortlessly
in open spaciousness of great mystery
may we all awaken to the call of the wild…