Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 113 – 4/7/2020

bathing in this full moon of rebirth and a super one to boot, this first full moon after equinox invites our harvesting of  the blessings of our seed energies planted under the new moon and standing in the crossroads and conversing with the dweller at the threshold who invites us to leap off the precipice to die to the past, to die to the future, to die into the breath, to completely let go into the awareness, the arrival, the coming home that can be trusted, tenderly loving and resounding with the mystery of the sacred…

on our pilgrimage today under the glow of sister moon, witnessing awakening as loving kindness, the miracle of  walking on the earth dwelling deeply in the present moment, of simply surrendering with each step, with each breath into the unknown, into the new beginning that’s been quietly forming with every thought, word and deed, with every intention aligned with our soul, the courageous leap of faith that opens the portal to the pathless path with heart, the path we sign up for on this island home comes alive…

so, come, stand in love for love in the center of being where we live the new story, where singing waters hum in harmony bathing the new world lovingly, peacefully, joyfully, beautifully, where we build beloved commonunity… behold, graceland!

now is the moment for inner and outer awakening and arrival, for following the call of  soul, the whispers of our one heart encouraging our slowing down, our coming home and tending the garden of our genius, the spark of light, the inner flame that is eternal and immortal, the dream that will never die…. yes, may we be instruments of  peace built on justice guided by love, hollow reeds of flowing lovingkindness…

let us close with a favorite full moon metta practice…

may we be filled with lovingkindness

may we be well

may we be peacefull and at ease

may we be happy

may we all awaken to re-birthing moon’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
may we all awaken to full moon’s oceans as clean-sing tears…
may we all awaken to supermoon’s wind as enlivening breath…
may we all awaken to pink rose moon’s landscape as our body…

may sister moon receive our one heart for her energy
may  sister moon receive our tears for her oceans
may sister moon receive our breath for her wind
may  sister moon receive our body for her landscape
