Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 26 – 1/11/2020

Unconditional happiness comes from this secret: surrender. Surrender is the act of loving and embracing the great unknown. Unconditional happiness comes from not running away from anything. It comes from taking even the most unfavorable circumstances as a path, a spiritual path, a truthful teaching. ~ Anam Thubten ~


when last i wrote, it was about soulitude, immediately afterwards, i surrenedered into a mystical journey there, a space some might call the virulent cold/flu affecting so many, others might call it spiritual flu; for me, it is a deep clean-sing, a total surreneder to the pathless path, a profound journey into the unknown, into a place of discomfort where i am called to become one with loving service or more accurately to re-member i am/we are loving service…

and first , the letting go, the shedding of all that is false and incomplete, the call demands shedding myself/ourself as central reference point…

may i/we act compassionately from a place of inner centeredness and connection to source… thank you, thank you, thank you, totally awesome for this deep dive into ultima thule, embracing what is and taking loving action