Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 283 – 9/25/2019

Named Soaring 25 2019 Pilgrimage-of-Radiance

we have arrived… we are home…


so glad to be reunited with you and with our one heart bursting wide open in joy today as we walk the pathless path of peace, the pilgrimage of radiance, deeper into cosmic unity and re- member a lost chord of the celestial symphony… we are beloved community belonging to each other eternally in the true refuge of of our one heart…


drawing down the energy of the waning moon

transporting us into an expansive field of the ocean of being,

may we all dwell here in compassion and harmony…


an extraordinary journey today… to a whole new state calling for a different way:

dance this heart path with loving presence moment by moment taking courage come what may…

deepen into trusting the grace that’s always in play…

relax and soften surrendering to love…

flow with divine source below and above…

inside/outside, in front of/behind, all enveloping…

every outbreath an emptying, every inbreath a re-membering…

