Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 271 – 9/13/2019

Named Soaring 13 Moon-Full-in-Pisces-Harvest-Moon

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…

thousandfold thanks, sister moon, heart of abundance, horn of plenty for this spell of basking in your bounty, bathing in your light, drinking in balance, flowing in harmony, gathering in your generously streaming of  quintessence and slowly harvesting the fruits in this turn of the wheel calling us to come within to listen to the song of our soul, the pied piper of life…

under this moon of water with a mystical bent, what is our soul calling us to do with our wild and precious life? dance to move your energy through the body to embody the full moon’s energy… let your prayers flow through…

this moon under yhe virgo sun also asks us to go within to see how we are being called to of service… how do we express our reverence for earth?  what do we need to let go of?  what inspirations are welling up collectively?

now, let’s take this moment to conspire, to breathe together in gratitude gathering the quintessence re-membering who we truly are… loving sparks of light…

I am not these eyes and what they see, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

settle into spacious awareness saying… I am not these ears and what they hear, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

breathing in and out and simply being saying… I am not this mouth and what it tastes, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… I am not these hands and what they touch, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… I am not this nose and what it smells, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

now noticing thoughts arising and memories saying… I am not these thoughts, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially… I am not these memories, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

now seeing the whole body and feeling the body from within the body saying… I am not this body, I am the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

breathing in feeling simply loving awareness… breathing out letting go of everything except resting in the soul of loving awareness quintessentially…

thank you for filling us with lovingkindness

thank you for supporting us in everything

thank you for holding us in peace and ease

shanti, shanti, shantihi…