Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 262 – 9/4/2019

Named Soaring 4 Peace-Whale-Watcing-2016-Cape-Disappointment-004-PEACE-Prayer.-1024x768

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

~ Lao Tzu ~

the poetic peace pilgrimage was conceived so many moons ago as a daily breathing practice of sacred/subtle activism, a breathing in of the bodhisattva vows, a returning to the breath, to life until all beings are liberated…

every day is a day of peace, every moment is a moment of peace, soaring september really underlines the collective theme of peace with celebrating an international day of peace on the 21st just as this prayer of St Francis, a favorite since childhood, is the prayer, the intention, the vow of the peace pilgrimage…

for the last seven moons, i have been preparing to walk the camino of St Francis which was to have begun today in Rome… though unable to physically be there now, i am in spirit walking this camino, this way of peace for the next fourteen days and invite your daily walking this road with me chanting, praying, visualizing, invoking, being peace with every step and every breath…

may we conspire, breathe together these sacred vows this moment, every moment transforming ourselves and the world as we surrender to the vast ocean of peace…

buen camino!