Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 146 – 5/11/2019

Named Mystical May 11 Christmas at the Coast 2018-12-25 011

awaken to a mysty day in this mystical moon of may on the eleventh sunrise under a waxing half moon already in the radiation of the full moon of enlightenment  when buddha pours out a thousand thousandfold blessings…

such beautiful dreamtime in our lighthouse cottage by the sea, such deep peace from the running waves, such joyful delight watching the sea lions frolic on the nearby haystack…

today i celebrate the daughter and grandpuppy giving me life daily as we saunter around this land of the sea whispering emphatically, time to be free by shedding the constricting snake skin for one with plasticity in flow with cosmic rhythm…