we are in the phase of the waning half moon, a moon known as the wise woman moon, a moon for tuning into comic hum and listening for the soul song of our one cosmic heart… a cycle to slow down, turn within, drop down into the core, the stillpoint of creation to deeply relax… with potent planets in retrograde, the energetic impulse to still is amplified and it’s easier to hear the humming soul song, the inner knowing of what waves are ours to weave into quilted webs of radiant light telling the ever unfolding cosmic story and what threads are ours to compost into the ocean of being…
may we all, in joy, enjoy this moment, this beautiful moment of wandering in wonder dissolving into dreamtime visioning the world to come…
“When the Condor of the South comes together with the Eagle of the North, the spirit of Mother Earth – Pacha Mama – will awake, then She will awake millions of her children, this will be the Resurrection of the Dead.”
~Inca Elder Willaru Huayta~
another vision of the world to come…
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Rev. 21:1)
a vision flowing through this cell…
the rivers run free and clear, the forests stand tall and abundant, animals and birds breathe clean air with all that is beautiful our way of life as we smile and walk each other home together…
how i’d love hearing your visions re-membering what we can see can be…
may we all call in peace…
may we be more loving than ever before for the well being of all
may we be more compassionate than ever before for the well being of all
may we be more harmonious than ever before for the well being of all
with every breath, may we all be more liberated
with every step, may we all come home to true refuge dwelling in our one cosmic heart…