Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 116 – 4/11/2019

Named Awesome 11 Wisdom Mirror All life is sacred relationship.

today, on the magical mystery tour, i delight being in a house of mirrors, beautiful mirrors as i look into your soul and see such radiance… thank you for being such a profound reflection of our true nature… your lovingkindness, compassion, generosity, grace, luminescence, humor, sensitivity, presence, devotion, joy, peace, patience, passion, curiosity and on and on enrich and inspire me in every moment… thousandfold thanks and deep bows…

while we are in the last three days of Navaratri, the nine nights, we focus on the goddess Saraswati, who bestows the blessings of wisdom, creativity, and purity. Maha Saraswati is the embodiment of spiritual wisdom inviting our gazing through the sacred mirror deeply within presencing true nature…

om shanti