always being, always becoming… always awakened, always awakening…
another awesome day in the neighborhood re-membering… seven years ago on this day i was giving a holy fool workshop and my decades old clown, rags t. o. riches transmuted into bee u. tee fool and i met with the surgeon to see about removing the cancerous throat lesions only they had spontaneously remitted following four months of dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude saying thank you to everything that arises, yes, gratitude is the pathless path of heart to grace…
and four years ago i was right in merlin’s cave on this day re-membering being a mermaid perched on the stone people and a dolphin dancing in the sea…
and now this year gaia calls me back into the cave as i embark on a virtual pilgrimage resounding the heart pilgrimage of four years before…
so lovely this tracing and re-tracing pathways into the belly of the earth, such a reverie of connecting the dots, isn’t it so true that hindsight is 20-20?
here’s a little check-in i like to re-visit at least annually – so illuminating to see the expansion and deepening with each dropping in…
12 Signs of Awakening
- an increased tendency to go with the flow rather than making things happen
- frequent bursts of smiling
- feelings of being deeply connected with all our relatives
- frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation and profound gratitude
- a tendency to be and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience and/or future apprehensions
- an ever expanding default position of enjoying each and every moment
- a loss of ability to worry
- a loss of interest in conflict and power and control dramas
- a loss of interest in interpreting/judging the actions of self and others
- an ever expanding commitment to being compassionate with self and others
- gaining the ability to love unconditionally and be a gift without expecting anything in return
- real-eye-sing there’s only one of us here and we all belong inextricably to each other
may we wander through our island home with heart wide open letting her sync into every pore feeling her singing us, dancing us, pulsing us, breathing us, celebrating us, loving us, at-oneing us, blessing us… deep peace of gaia’s humming resonance…
om shanti shanti shantihi