welcome, welcome to day 59 of 64 days of a season of peace, we are coming down the quintessential homestretch and to this day of celebrating the 13th annual whalewatch week we’ve attended although for the first time it’s virtual until we can make it there in merry may…
this journey is a pilgrimage of peace, a day of immersing wholeheartedly in the swirling sea of love energy where we all swim… today our intention for peace is amplified as we celebrate an upcoming sacred marriage, a voyage into the eternal death and rebirth cycle we go through moment by moment anchored in the true refuge of peace in our core…
on this day of listening to the rhythm of the waves, the voice of grandmother echoing from deep below, i share what she shares…
“I send love and blessings to all from the spirit world. I am so honored to feel your love and your concern.
Do not forget to do everything you can to heal the oceans and water of this beautiful planet. Send your healing, loving thoughts to the water daily and get others to do the same. You must hold a vision of the water sparkling clean and full of vibrant life, for as you create this vision it will be done. It will however, take millions of people holding this vision to make the shift.
Do not be dragged down by the current chaos in the world. Humans are gifted and powerful creators. You only need to shift your focus ever so slightly to come into alignment and do good for each other and all creatures on planet earth. It is time to forgive and let go of violence. Make your priority loving the earth, loving and supporting each other, loving and protecting all creatures, and doing everything you can to make life a paradise for all.”
~ Granny ~
may we open our one heart re-membering we are an ocean of lovingkindness…