Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 93 – 3/19/2019

Named Magical March 19 HY!MM oya-by-hrana-janto

Let there be Peace
Let there be Peace of Mind
Let there be Peace with Mankind
Let there be Peace of the States
Let the World dwell within the Force of Peace


welcome, welcome to day 49 of a season of peace, the eve of the equinox and super full moon in libra, a day when i find myself chanting let there be peace and ho’opono pono while breathing in I Am Grace of Beloved and generating loving presence …


listening to motherwaters’ song seeding fields of love the whole day long,

Oya weaves spiraling webs of light

while whirling, swirling winds cut through rainbow mists

spirits dance wildly in the underground

swimming braided waters of uncharted earthscape

rhythmically returning to original source,

 in cosmic womb where we re-member…

birthing, surrendering to transforming whirlwind

breathing, re-birthing harmony again


may every breath be a blessingway, a blessingway of deepening balance, a flowing with the waters of life in harmony revealing every moment as sacred…

