Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 70 – 2/24/2019

Named Free Flow 24 Dreamer Harriet Tubman

welcome, welcome to day 26 of a season of peace on this twenty-fourth day of freely flowing february; it’s the day of our weekly installation of celebrating the astonishing light of our being and one more beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of  tenderness, the crucible of our interconnectedness with the courage to say yes for the good of the whole… and even with all the turbulence in the outer world, today i’m so encouraged by so much light being shone by so many…

here are a trifecta of lights…

last year on Valentine’s a tragedy occurred at Parkland High School in Florida, USA and to the students of Parkland and across the globe who know enough is enough and inspire us all to see the violence must end here and now…

may we all join in their March For Our Lives Movement and in singing their song, Shine…

You’re not gonna knock us down
We’ll get back up again
You may have hurt us but I promise we are stronger and
We’re not gonna let you win
We’re putting up a fight
You may have brought the dark
But together we will shine the light


“I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.” A single Swedish schoolgirl with Asperger’s was determined to take on the planet’s blind billionaires and leaders everywhere. She urged her peers to face the disaster that’s an increasingly obvious part of all our lives and that their parents have generally been remarkably unable to face. She was, in other words, striking for the right to a future.

Within months, thousands and then tens of thousands of high-school students across Europe, Australia and Japan, among other places, joined Greta Thunberg, a 15 years old with a mind of her own and a sign demanding a school strike against climate change, in her walking out for “Fridays for Future” protests…


finally for today, one more story of the courage of teens, a 19-year-old Israeli who proves more than willing to go to jail, again and again, to protest his country’s expanding occupation of Palestinian lands…

his greatest inspiration was the letter he received from Abu Artema, a key Palestinian organizer which provided him with his greatest inspiration…

“Your decision is what will help end this dark period inflicted on Palestinians, and at the same time mitigate the fears of younger Israeli generations who were born into a complicated situation and a turbulent geographical area deprived of security and peace… I believe the solution is near and possible. It will not require more than the courage to take initiative and set a new perspective, after traditional solutions have failed to achieve a just settlement. Let us fight together for human rights, for a country that is democratic for all its citizens, and for Israelis and Palestinians to live together based on citizenship and equality, not segregation and racism.”


 may we all take courage and be inspired to act for the rights of all our relatives and a cosmos built on justice for all guided by love so that we live our deepest dream… a world of peace…

om shanti shanti shantihi