Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 68 – 2/22/2019

Named Free Flow 22 Blue-Star-Vortex-Dancing

welcome, welcome to day 24 of a season of peace on this twenty-first day of freely flowing february; it’s one more beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of  freedom… even with all the turbulence in the outer world, today i’m so being sung in every cell the soul song of our free and easy wanderer true nature…

Dancing among stars

free and easy wanderer

being great beyond


Letting go, surrendering all that is known

walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

flowing beautyway


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

wide open space, encircling path

flowing beautyway

whispering wisdom with each breath


Wide open space, encircling path

wanderer is bird flight soaring

whispering wisdom with each breath…

listening to the wind


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

listening to the wind

flowing beautyway


thank you for walking home with me to ultima thule, the great beyond, the interior pathless path endlessly, timelessly taking us to the far shore, that more beautiful space our one cosmic heart of wonder re-members and encircles all our relatives in agigantic, ever expanding embrace…

shanti shanti shantihi