Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 343 – 11/24/2018

Named Now 24 Big Island Wonder and Awe Voyage Mauna Kea 2018-11-24 002

today’s journey of awe and wonder is just that beginning with a pilgrimage to hilo to cruise down banyan tree lane in search of a black sand beach which we find and join in the sunning and bathing with the locals …

when we leave this paradise and head north in one hour we’ve left the dog days of summer for chilly, wintry bluster as we take the long and winding road up to mauna kea to venture into the sacred realms, the heart of hawaii, the home of the akua, creator…

as we pass through the field of cylinder cones, i feel as if i’m in a field of crop circles and transported by spirits into spirit…

we have come to view the almost full moon rise out of the mountain alighting the vast sky sea and it is spectacular and so worth exploring and experiencing and embodying…

we linger mesmerized  by sister moon’s pilgrimage before bowing to sea mountain with aloha…