Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 287 – 9/29/2018

Named Sacred 29 Heart Juled

the heart sutra

liberates all suffering

magical mantra


imagine how quickly we can heal our cosmos if more of us are singing, dancing, storytelling, resounding poetry and spending time in silence bathing in the forest, swimming in the sea, meeting in the field out beyond especially when we gather together heart to heart to interbe…

today is World Heart Day and the perfect day for the heart of teachings from the Buddhist Wisdom tradition on emptiness, the heart of compassion…

compassion is empathy for suffering arising from the heart’s valorous capacity to recognize universal kinship and belonging, transforming resentment into forgiveness, hatred into friendliness, and fear into kindness for all beings… compassion mandates that we extend understanding, warmth, sensitivity, and openness to the sorrows of the world in a truthful and genuine way…

the Sanskrit word for heart is hridayam, meaning “that which receives, gives and circulates…”

may we give, receive and radiate lovingkindness and compassion with every breath…

shanti shanti shantihi