Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 285 – 9/27/2018

Named Sacred 27 MLK Revolution of Values

today is one of those days when i planned on going one way and was carried somewhere totally different… i knew the hearing was going to go on, had not planned to attend but something called me to be there, to listen for myself, to feel the people delivering their testimony, to bear witness, to support a being who was terrified and even more so, was courageous in delivering her testimony of a traumatic experience still echoing in her being and now echoing in our collective being triggering for many individuals and our collective nervous system flashbacks…

and then came the accused who broke down several times, who appeared to believe what he was saying going on about the destruction of his life…

i came to the hearing with an open heart and was surprised at how profoundly the core of my being was moved and shaken… i was reminded of 9-11 and the knowing the world would never be the same… on that day, i prayed our better angels would lead the way; today, i wished with my whole heart for wise leadership and only saw a brief glimpse from the senators on the committee, would that this body could do their duty and hold a day of silence for us all to ponder how we live together with justice for all…