Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 221 – 7/25/2018

Named Jocund July 25 Grandmother Julieta

“My work has harvested souls, a great achievement for humankind, for all of us who believe that things in the world can be better, if we attempt at every moment to do things well: to show respect, to value what has little value today, to feel proud of our identity, to defend our traditions, to defend our traditional medicine, to love and respect our elders and listen to them with great attention, to teach children to live with respect, peace, and love. The mission of all human beings who achieve consciousness is to take care of themselves and Mother Earth.” Julieta Casimiro Estrada

on this the day out of time according to the lunar calendar, i gathered with elders to celebrate the almost full Corn Empress Moon and the harvests she blesses us with so abundantly…

among these many blessings is thework of harvesting that Grandmother Julieta lived as a Curandera of the world dedicating her whole life to prayer…

deep bows…