Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 145 – 5/10/2018

Named Mahalo May 10Kabir Truth Poetic-PEACE-Pilgrim-Sound

i ventured on this re-treat to be one with dolphins, to attune to their sonic field, to drink in the dream of their soul songs and what a delight to have these melodies flowing through the ocean of being, these haunting melodies of re-membering, these beautiful sounds of silence transporting us home sacredly, secretly, silently, softly, surrenderedly, synchronisticly to the place of true belonging, the stillpoint of creation where there’s only the dance of the sounds of silence…

trees dancing… birds singing,,, winds whispering… leaves rustling… stars sparkling… clouds floating water falling home… planets orbiting… cats purring…. gaia’s heartbeat pulsing… flowing in the rhythm of  the cosmic hum…