such a wealth of riches to celebrate on this next to the last day of awakened april, a quintessence of events mirroring the five elements… it’s the full moon in the water sign of scorpio, and it’s lunar beltane when we celebrate the midpoint between equinox and soustice with fire rituals letting go of what no longer serves and it’s our moment to celebrate the astonishing lightness of being by breathing in the air, the whispering wind inspiriting us and breathing out the light transmuted into love… it was arbor day on friday and the tree of life seems so perfect as an image for the lightness of being and he abundance of the earth of being and such a beautiful symbol of the element of ether, of love, unconditional love…
trees, our breath, teach us generosity as mothers of nourishment creating one vast network of trillions and trillions of roots intertwined as one, flooding the struggling with juice, receiving the dying standing talls’ marrow…
not i, only we, this network of generosity, this unfolding synarchy… let’s breathe in deeply filling ourselves with each breath and letting go/ surrendering/softening through our soles with each outbreath…
smiling, we come deeper and deeper home with every breath… allowing… accepting… embracing
feeling our soles on the warm, mossy, forest floor syncing into the soil below while our limbs are outstretched toward the sky… we open deeply to pure presence as we bathe in the stillness and dance in the forest field…
let’s bow deeply to all our relations thanking each other for the sacred circle of life we are…
always being love…