Nobody who finds himself on the road to wholeness can escape that characteristic suspension which is the meaning of crucifixion.
For he will infallibly run into things that thwart and “cross” him…
~ CG Jung ~
today, as many across the globe honor this day as Good Friday, a (w)holy day in (w)holy week, i contemplate what crucifixion means and where it leads… i find this Jung quotation about being on the road to (w)holeness necessitating crucifixion so right on for on each of our paths, aren’t we led daily to cross roads where we are given the choice to dissolve into and serve our greater self who responds in kind with wholeheartedly entering the human realm? Isn’t this cross the true cross, the sacred stillpoint in the tiny space of the heart where every dance begins, where we real-eyes the gift of our suffering with grace, of our bearing what is leads us to the deepest peace of the flowing river of joy?