in celebration of we’moon herstory month, on this day observed in the christian calendar as the last supper, it seems very fitting to re-member the day from a divine feminine perspective, as a rollicking dinner party a la Judy Chicago’s reinterpretation of The Last Supper from the point of view of women, who, throughout history, have prepared the meals and set the table…
for thirty years, a print of this acrylic has hung in the dining area wherever i live honoring the feminine energy of communion, of feasting, of sharing and sacrificing (as in making sacred) what we have with others…
three years ago on the day of the last supper, i arrived on the isle of avalon, sacred space of the goddess where beloved community of thirteen joined in the breaking of bread and drinking of holy water and clean-sing (cleansing), as in the washing of feet, of our soles who kiss the earth and ground us into embodied presence…
in this moment, in every moment, we offer thanks for our last supper/first supper, last breath/first breath, our always flowing in the rhythm of dying/rebirthing, ebbing/flowing, breathing in/breathing out always being love, always becoming love…
may we all take this moment to ingest the energies of the divine feminine and divine masculine in sacred communion…