Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 19 – January 4, 2014

Named Re-TREAT 12-13 Camp Colton Canyon CreekAwakening in the house of my grandmother to heavy grayness, i know where the journey calls me to and so i flow down, down, down to the sacred space below where i attune to hum which opens the hidden door to the tunnel of treasures. Smiling, i bow to enter and crawl on my hands and knees through the rich, dark earth guided by Blue Star…

Named Blue Star VortexHere i stand once again at the Bend in the River Beloved awed by the beauty and surprised by how low the river is. Weeping, i realize how i am to serve in this moment – as my tears raise the water level, rainmaking brings harmony…

It is good to re-member that all things belong to Oneness.



Dancing in rain is

what the rainmakers call in –

celebrating all…