thank you, fellow poet farmer, Wendell Berry, more than ever these words echo so resonantly deep within, in that sacred space of inner knowing of true reality, of true nature…. with every step , all our relations are being led to being instruments of peace in a cosmic symphony of harmony…. hear the hum?
fifty-seven years ago, this was a happy day in my family of origin with the birth of a divine child;, one year ago, it was a sad day with the death of a divine child and the opening of the portal into the dark valley with the sense of being held in the web of life…
yes, today is a day of honoring and celebration on the pilgrimage… feeling the shift into heart consciousness that’s been so quietly forming, feeling it so poignantly in this moment… a day of dancing with the energies of life celebrating the ebb and flow that lead us through the streams of oceanic deeps…