Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 27 – 1/12/2018

Named Journeying 12 Wanderer Visioning

Do not be satisfied with the stories that came before you. Unfold your own myth.


today’s frequency calls us to walk the path of silence in the dream cave as holy fool, wanderer of wonder, trusting in one’s elf to leap off of ledges into waiting angels’ wings, to dream of a cosmos where we wage peace with lovingkindness and compassion from our shared deep well of radical generosity…

on today’s  journey, i re-member a moment of stretching and traveling to a place i have not been before…  appearing as serendipity, a gift of wonder, i witness one, two, three, four rainbows with one disappearing and another appearing in its wake… with no sign of sun, the gray, rainy sky was transformed with rainbows… until this mpment, i thought of the sky as blue, gray or black… now, i know sky is rainbow, what a grace to dance the rainbow path…

holy illumination! seeing the world as it is… rainbow mystery…