right now, it’s like this…
our last full moon of this turn around the sun, and a supermoon at that, and the last one before soulstice is just a few hours away as i write these words… somehow, Oregon’s state logo seems a perfect turn of phrase for this moon and this moment… this moment of slowing down, turning inward and descending into the watery depths to take this moment to bathe in the illumination of lady luna, and luxuriating in her nourishment of radiance…
last year i was winging my way across the country on an eagle, this year, like my state and the moon, i’m flying on inner wings across a timeless landscape drawing down the energy of this moon of rebirth to open our heart circle ever wider to the flow of compassion that is the very air we breathe…
may we all be filled with lovingkindness
may we all feel safe and at ease
may we all accept ourselves just as we are
may we all be deep peace