i’ve been dreaming of fires for a couple of moons, our world going up in smoke, fires in the streets…
today, i wake up to acrid smoke enveloping the atmosphere with ash falling like snow across an apocalyptic landscape…
as thousands of acres continue to burn in the beloved Columbia Gorge, we grieve the loss of so much natural beauty that inspires and uplifts connecting us to our better angels, deepest sacred space of earth being….
today’s peace, so i imagined, would center on the full moon and then i walked outside and tuned into local news and knew today must be devoted to the all encompassing grief for all the storms and floods and wildfires and bombings raging across the earth…
please join me in sacred silence of the deep peace of the running wave as we breathe down into the belly of the earth being instruments of peace and vessels of compassion as we call forth healing…
singing as one… where there is suffering, let there be grace; where there is imbalance, let balance be restored; where there is homelessness, shelter; where there is thirst, water; where thee is hunger, nourishment; where there is despair, hope; where there is destruction, creation; where there is war, peace…