what an astonishing august it has been, indeed, what a blessed space we have inhabited as we have walked each other home in a sacred way…. from lions gate through purification to the moment of the soular eclipse when a wave of union, of communion, swept energetically across the planet reminding, reheartening all our relatives to our true, shared reality of one source, one body, one heart, one mind, one spirit…
such a potent moment for re-set followed up every day with asking, with living the grail quest-ion, what really matters? what breaks your heart? what breaks your heart wide open waking you up each moment to serve?
listen deeply and hear the hum of our one heart singing as we walk this path together, coming home to our one heart, summoning the courage in each moment to take one more step, simply one more step into the mystery, the great mystery, the ever expanding abunDANCE of a friendly uni-verse…
namaste, beloveds…