Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 220 – 7/24/2017

Named Jubilee July 24 Breathing i n I AM Home

dreaming in waves’ rhythm at the bottom of the sea

sunrise mists enshroud this space – the silence of eternity…

breathing in, we are home for home is where the heart resides

breathing out, we dance spiraling love, flowing with the tides…

standing with each other, we come together now

in this present moment, to imagine the visionary how…

how for us all to know the world as belonging space

and for us all to feel earth mother’s flowing grace…

the ocean whispers softly, her voice emphatic and clear

love one another, hold this wisdom dear…


thanks be for this day like no other, this day coming only once… this day crystallized into one precious moment, a moment of presence, moment of now… a moment to wade in the waters in the ocean of devotion, to be carried away on the wings of love dwelling lightly in the heavens above… singing the true song to earth below, waiting for the light to glow…