doo doo doo doo… welcome to the twilight zone… we’re three hours away from the first new moon in leo ushering in a wild lunar ride including a full moon lunar eclipse in two weeks on August 7, the 30th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17 and the stellar second new moon and once in a lifetime soular eclipse on August 21st… what a moon (month) to reclaim our heart’s power to transform everything to love…
in honor of this new moon, this new cycle, i’m proclaiming the coming week as Happy Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival Week and will spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to ask the body and breathe the answers locked in the cells like lost chords…
What are you wanting to bring into manifestation in your life?
What is your greatest desire/inspiration/vision?
What is the obstacle to your desire manifesting or inspiration/vision materializing needing to transform into invitation?
What are you willing to let go of to open up to your destiny more?the flow of impermanence can be daunting for our protective selves who want to keep us safe…
thanks be that in our core in this moment with this breath we are able to tune into our essence… boundless love…