Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 138 Days – 5/3/2017

Named Miraculous May 3 Juliette in Olympic National Rainforest

To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.
Walt Whitman

it is miraculous may and so i’m challenging myself to deepening into dwelling in the present moment and feeling truly alive with each breath, each miraculous breath… i invite you to join me on this pilgrimage starting, of course, right now…

for simply one moment, one miraculous moment, let’s be here in silence together contemplating how miraculous life is…. grounding ourselves in the milagro field whispering miracle, miracle, miracle while breathing in infinite love and breathing breathing out infinite gratitude to the tune of thank you, thank you, thank you… keeping it simple so we can simply be the miracle of being alive, awake, aware…

miracles before us

miracles behind us

miracles beside us

miracles below us

miracles above us

miracles within us

miracles surrounding us

thank you for sauntering through the milagro field with me, for coming home to our one heart, womb of miracles…