happy next to last day of awakened april, the day i thought is arbor day only to real-eyes tonight that it’s not always april 29 but rather the last friday in april which was yesterday…
still, i like celebrating it today as earh stewards all over the planet march for climate on this the 100th day of a new administration in the united states which keeps calling us to stand in love re-cognizing our interconnectedness as one great tree of life…
the trees are our breath teaching us generosity, the mothers of nourishment creating one vast network of trillions and trillions of roots intertwined as one flooding the struggling with juice, receiving the dying standing talls’ marrow…
not i, only we, this network of generosity, this unfolding synarchy… let’s breathe deeply filling ourselves with each in breath and letting go/ surrendering/softening through our soles with each outbreath…
smiling, we come deeper and deeper home with every breath… allowing… accepting… embracing
now, feel your soles on the warm, mossy forest floor syncing into the soil below while our limbs are outstretched toward heaven… open deeply to presence as we bathe in the stillness and dance of the forest field…
let’s bow deeply to all our relations thanking each other for the sacred circle of life we are…