Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 95 – 3/21/2017

Named Moving March 21 World Water Day

everyday is a water blessing day for water is life, tomorrow (March 22) the whole world in one gigantic wave across the planet will join in celebrating the UN’s World Water  Day which is a part of a worldwide mission to make sure everyone has access to safe drinking water. Right now, many of the world’s poorest do not have access to one of our most essential and valuable natural resources.


In many areas around the world, taps, pipes and wells just don’t exist, and if they do they’re not affordable for many people. It means drinking dirty water is their only option with dirty water being responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths a year.


May we all envision and answer the urgent call to action for a world where everyone drinks freely and safely our of our life- giving relative, water…


 Prayer When Drinking Water

As I receive this water and it flows through me,
May it become medicine dispelling all ills,
May it become medicine revealing the wisdom within and through out.
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me and becomes vapor,
May it purify the atmosphere
May it nourish the wisdom potential in the people
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me, and returns to the water table
May it remove the impurities of chemicals placed within the water
May the water be made new again
May this water become medicine for all beings in this and all worlds

~ Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo ~

We  Are The Eternal Radiance